May 14, 2005, 10:00 pm
After the quite colourless yet playable ctf_AMine map, ive decided to move back to Maya2-style. The result is a rather big ctf map with a very individual concept of "2 and 1/4 ways", as the middle part is the improvement of the original ctf_Maya concept. There is no botsupport and will probably not be for a longer time, cause I assume the bots are too stupid for the deadly parts of the map, especially for the one down in the middle.
The map requires good teamwork, cause theoretically its possible to stop the enemy flagger in almost every player constellation. The spikeholes suit as a place for short infights.
Map Update / May 15th: some little bouncies and flaws fixed
Map Update 2 / May 15th: additional poly fixes, Waypoints by [MI]Interruptman
Have fun!
May 14, 2005, 11:01 pm
Sry to say that again, but the structure of the map looks like Lanubia..
May 14, 2005, 11:03 pm
The layout is very interesting, I like your use of death polys, they usually make a map more exciting.
The shading is done well, but I don't like the colours used. It looks too unnatural to me, The main parts look like they're rusting :p
I think the gameplay would be great, but the looks can be improved upon.
May 14, 2005, 11:14 pm
Lets see, maybe Ill do a look improvement. At first Id like the comments to be concentrated on the gameplay ;Q
And if Felix EVER mentions Lanubya again, I will do some very violent things to him :p
May 15, 2005, 12:10 am
I cant, but ph34r my kamikaze ape!
and now, let's stay on topic =)
May 15, 2005, 12:23 am
Looks really good, and like the gameplay will be fun. Bottom may be too easy for snipers to kill people coming up the small hill.
Waypoint it when you can, so I can add it to the zombie server :P, maybe just make bots not take bottom path?
Edit: Grammar
Deleted User
May 15, 2005, 1:27 am
looks like a really good map.. whats with all the deadly places? lol =)
May 15, 2005, 2:34 am
I like that map.
The deadly places make it better.
May 15, 2005, 3:34 am
This looks like it has really good gameplay.
Very nice I love it.
And if you're not waypointing it, then put it on some server and say which one it would be on so I can go play it.
May 15, 2005, 10:56 am
Its currently being tested on the p-L Public serv ( / 23078)
May 15, 2005, 4:06 pm
lil map update released, some bouncies and flaws should be gone now. Just redownload.
May 15, 2005, 4:47 pm
Wow, I can't believe how fast you pump out these maps. :D
Map looks great. I played it and I enjoyed it. The only beef I have with it is that I don't like having to go down and through the middle. It feels awkward without an upper route.
May 15, 2005, 6:13 pm
wee, another map update, includes some more bugfixes and waypoints done by [MI]Interruptman (thanks for that, dude ;D )
Just redownload the map, its considered final now.
May 15, 2005, 6:57 pm
hoho, looks nice + gameplay looks like it would be great.. but if i were to change somethings, it would have to be the colours, tbh there is too much grey.. all is well though :)
Deleted User
May 15, 2005, 8:43 pm
looks nice but if i were to judge, i yould say that it was just a tad to open.
7.5\10 though
Deleted User
May 15, 2005, 9:37 pm
Looks nice, I like the shading and all, but I myself dont particulary like doubled maps, what i mean is, you make one hlaf and just copy it to the other side, it just seems kinda....corny to me :p
May 15, 2005, 10:07 pm
If you want a map to be truly equal, theres almost no way to go around mirroring ^^
Deleted User
May 15, 2005, 10:12 pm
Oh yeah, I know that, I'm just saying I dont like equal all that much
May 16, 2005, 3:57 pm
Meh, I think I played on this yesterday, I didn't like it much.
It looks like Lanubia...
May 16, 2005, 4:42 pm
I wish i was as special as grand diablo
May 16, 2005, 7:30 pm
Good map grand_diablo.I'm gonna download it.