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(moved) New climbing league?
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Tournaments and Clanwars
May 19, 2005, 10:50 am
I've done a lot of climbing maps, and made (or heavily edited) several of my own. Anyway if your wondering how there can be matches on climbing maps, I've made a new kind (I think it's new)where theres a climbing or jetting part, with different paths for each team, and usually a part of the map where the 2 teams come into contact and can battle. Heres an example map, ctf_guantlet:
Each team has 2 paths, an easy long one, and a harder shorter one, and both have a shortcut that requires law teamwork. The battling takes place in the area under the flag, and you can shoot through most of the walls around there.

I know a lot of you think the climbing maps are stupid, so if you do dont bother replying. I've found a bunch of people that are interesting in being in a climbing/battling clan, but we'd need more to start an actual league.

And at the moment I only have 3 maps that would work for this kind of competition, so I'd need some map makers to help out making these kinds of maps. Also I'm not motivated enough to do the actual setting up of a league, not to mention no website making knowledge.
Thats it, any helpful comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

May 24, 2005, 4:32 am
Sounds like a good idea. If I was better than terrible at climbing maps I'd help out, hah

May 24, 2005, 4:49 am
Looks good, good luck.
I'd suggest Avid gamers for a host, they have free and pay options.

here's some stuff off their website:

What is a community?
A community is an interactive web site. It lets you publish content, set up discussion forums, and invite other people to join as members of your community. Members can comment on your content, participate in the forums, vote in polls, and send private messages to each other. The site you're looking at right now is one example of a community that can be created with the AG system.

Ok, how do I switch to AG2?
To create an AG2 community, go to the control panel at http://cp.avidgamers.com/, and create an AG2 account if you haven't already. You can create communities in the "Your communities" section of the control panel.

The website is http://ag2.avidgamers.com btw

May 24, 2005, 6:34 am
Thanks James, I don't know much about making websites but I threw together something as best I could. There's a forum, please join if you're interested, and post helpful ideas.
I have someone who is planning on making a better website, but it seems he's not getting around to it, so if you think you could make a better website please do.

I only spent a couple minutes on this, and I'll be updating it whenever I get around to it.

May 25, 2005, 12:23 am
Ill see what i can do