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INF: Team Balance
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - General Discussions
May 20, 2005, 12:45 am
It's obvious that some inflitration map are very unbalanced, such as inf_Invasion, inf_Iraq et cetera. Adjustment of the number of players for each team should fix this problem well..

Fair teams are necessary for a fair, good game. But it's not always equal number. Below is what I think is the best team balance for each inflitration maps:

Original Maps

A great map to defend (camp). Better for Alpha to get +1 player.

Equal numbers for both team are fine for this map.

It's more likely impossible for Bravo team to possibly win this map unless they spawn camp constantly (Which won't really happen). Bravo team should get +2 players anyhow.

This map is very easy to defend for Bravo team (If they actually defend). +2 Player for Alpha, or just +1 if Bravo does not know how to defend.

Equal numbers are fine. If more than two Bravo have high defensive awareness, Alpha should get +1 player.

Other Maps

Alpha should get +1 player.

The idea of putting flag in house is good, but very hard for Alpha to get it. Alpha should get +2 players in this map.

Bravo should get +1 player.

Depending on how many people, Alpha should either get +1 or +2 players.

Alpha should get +1 player.


Sometimes, player skills plays a huge role on team balance as well.
Press F1 to figure it out.


May 20, 2005, 1:18 am
Or maybe the team that is supposedly the underdog should stop sucking.

May 20, 2005, 1:44 pm
I rhink the attacker team always needs +1 person.Its easier to defend.

May 20, 2005, 2:44 pm
@ *ctrl-c -> ctrl-v* __SnoOpy__:

The point being...?

May 20, 2005, 2:47 pm
did he copy paste??

May 20, 2005, 3:48 pm
No. The text inbetween the *'s indicated an action i did.
It was supposed to be a sarcastic way of saying that random capitalized letters in a nick is lame.

..looks like i failed

May 20, 2005, 8:28 pm
I always thought infiltration was suppose to be much harder for alpha :P
and inf_fortress is easy to win as bravo

May 20, 2005, 9:19 pm
Why not just delete Inf_Invasion forever? That map is even worse then kampf.

May 21, 2005, 3:14 am
This account name is my old name, I do realize it's lame.
and yes I do think RaNdOm CaPiTaLiZeD nIcK is lame as well.
(I play as AQu01rius)

I think inf_Invasion might be OK if M79 is disabled.

May 21, 2005, 6:17 pm
Snoopy, don't you mean in Invasion, Alpha should get plus 1 or 2?

Deleted User
May 21, 2005, 7:34 pm
inf_Invasion, I think Bravo should get 1-2 less than Alpha...

May 23, 2005, 3:17 am
Above two:
I don't see any sense. Explain why you two think that way..

Deleted User
May 23, 2005, 3:22 am
its more of a challenge so it doesnt matter, i never say teams.

May 23, 2005, 12:57 pm
You probably shout "lol noob" when the teams are 3v5 and someone says "teams" too