-Ingame Nick: Wehrmacht Warrior
-Favourite weapons: Ruger, Barret, Spas 12
-Contacting possibilities: AIM, E-mail, PM
-You play since...: Been playing probably 6 months
-Favourite gamemode(s): Deathmatch(team or regular), CTF
-Rating of your own skill: At least better than half of all players
-Why do you want to join a clan?: Want to have fun and play tournaments.
Here are several endgame screens of deathmatch games I've done well in (nicks of people in screens may contain bad language).
-Favourite weapons: Ruger, Barret, Spas 12
-Contacting possibilities: AIM, E-mail, PM
-You play since...: Been playing probably 6 months
-Favourite gamemode(s): Deathmatch(team or regular), CTF
-Rating of your own skill: At least better than half of all players
-Why do you want to join a clan?: Want to have fun and play tournaments.
Here are several endgame screens of deathmatch games I've done well in (nicks of people in screens may contain bad language).