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Microchip, need a clan
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Clan Recruitment
June 5, 2005, 9:14 pm
- Ingame Nick: Microchip
- Favourite weapons: Steyr AUG, M79
- Contacting possibilities: My MSN: miky_microchip@hotmail.com
- I play since 1 year
- I've been in AK clan and i've been elected co-leader for my activity
- Favourite gamemode(s): Capture the flag, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch
- Rating of your own skill: I don't want to rate myself...other player must rate me! :)
- Why do you want to join a clan? Because i like to be in a community of friends!


I'm searching an active and serious clan. Please, no spamming clans! :)

Steel Kraut
June 7, 2005, 12:05 am
You should join {-K-U-T-}. Go to http://www.kutforums.dl.am and make a thread under "Join Us".