First of all, MY TIMEZONE IS GMT+8, 13 HOURS difference from EST, that's mean I play when you sleep. I'm quite sure no one can accept my timezone, but oh well.
Nick - Yukwunhang
Weapons - DE, Ruger, Steyr, Knife, Chainsaw, M79, Spas etc
Contact : MSN, IRC #soldat.forums
I play since October 04
Favourite gamemode(s) - All
Rating of your own skill - 3-5/10
Nick - Yukwunhang
Weapons - DE, Ruger, Steyr, Knife, Chainsaw, M79, Spas etc
Contact : MSN, IRC #soldat.forums
I play since October 04
Favourite gamemode(s) - All
Rating of your own skill - 3-5/10