June 6, 2005, 5:32 pm
I came up with this funny gamemode...
Some of the players are spawned as animals and shall survive as loong as enough from the other players that are hunters.
The hunters gets points for each prey they kill and the Animal players gets points for each 20 (selectable) seconds they survive..
the animal players cant fend themselfs againt the hunters, but are Fast and have loong range of veiw.and can slowly regenerate health by proneing or just crouching. when killed the Animal player gets respawned as usuall...
the hunters can only use the knife and the ruger. Maybe the barret also, but i dont know....its alittle extreme...
Hunter player may not engage other hunters, unless taken the head hunter powerup.
"Headhunter" powerup:
Duration: 30 sec
The player becomes a headhunter with a scull hat and beast híde and can now hunt down the other hunters for points. using a spear. the head hunter is Damn fast and kills instantly pierceing the head of the other player on the spear one after another....
*Players that log on into a Ongoing match gets automaticley spawned as Animal prey, so reconeccting is out of the picture.
GOAL: When either a hunter gets enough points or the prey survives loong engough and gets enough points, the match is over and the new animal players are choosen from the hunters.
im all ears for suggestions surrounding this.....
June 7, 2005, 2:53 am
I had an idea like this a while back when someone made a white bunny gostek.
Deleted User
June 7, 2005, 3:47 am
Ahahah,I doubt this will be implemented,but that would be awesome,and custom maps could go with caves and stuff and places for the animals too hide :PThat'd be fun.
Deleted User
June 7, 2005, 8:43 am
it could be too easy for the animal prey.. just find an object and run around it, so u will always be on the "hunters" opposite side
June 7, 2005, 8:49 am
yeah, sounds pretty good. animals need to be able to fight back, maybe claws or bite, etc etc.
but for hat to work, hunters must be affected by one way sight like in real mode (but no falldamage or recoil)
while animals can see all directions. headhunter can kill animals right? the powerup should just be infinite throwing spears rather than just stabbing. what animals are we having here? if they need to be able to fight back, then maybe wolves, tigers.
oh, and if proper water gets added, we can have sharks!
Deleted User
June 7, 2005, 12:39 pm
lol instead of turning into animals why not just hunting people?
Deleted User
June 7, 2005, 1:46 pm
Or...all the hunters could be psychos, and the hunted are actual humans (lit. what they are now).
Deleted User
June 7, 2005, 3:04 pm
Yeah, but then w/ some weak weapons like a basball bat or a home-made bow or something...
June 7, 2005, 3:21 pm
i had more like the idea of the animal prey of being deers or something like that, so they could stomp or make an rush attack with their horns...
Oh! instead of weapon selection in the beginning for the animal prey, the choose wich animal they want to be. like 1= Eagle (ironic!) 2= bunny 3= monkey 4= wolf and so on, all the animals have their strenghs and weaknesses... such as the eagle is darn fast ´but have low life.
Also to fix this, the animals just have to stay alive as loong as they can untill time runs up instead. and they get points for each 20 (selectable) second they stay alive between the times they get killed....
Green Barret
June 7, 2005, 3:28 pm
quote:Originally posted by Zegovia
Oh! instead of weapon selection in the beginning for the animal prey, the choose wich animal they want to be. like 1= Eagle (ironic!) 2= bunny 3= monkey 4= wolf and so on, all the animals have their strenghs and weaknesses... such as the eagle is darn fast ´but have low life.
You might just have classes and survival mode on...
June 8, 2005, 9:49 am
eagles == more jet (flying) for them but easily killed
bunny == fastest land creature but low health
monkey == medium health, slower thn rabbit but can jump higher, climb vertical stuff, etc.
wolf == slowest, but most health and has powerful attacks like bite, slash etc.
edit: for the monkey, maybe if a wolf kills a hunter, maybe the monkey can pick up his ruger and hit ppl with it. maybe take 4 hits to kill a guy.
Deleted User
June 8, 2005, 1:44 pm
rofl: Following Match:
Wolf: RAWR!!!
Hunter: OMG! I AM DIED!
Other Hunter: Run! Its a monkey with a ruger!
Deleted User
June 8, 2005, 4:49 pm
As a bunny you can easily hide behind scenery. Or have that map bug so you 'sink' a bit into the ground. No one will ever hit you >=]
June 8, 2005, 11:13 pm
Some animals ideas:
Eagle: the size is smaller than a hunter, has a very fast speed, low health(half health);
Bats: one bat is about the size of a head,spawn with 3 bats at a row, one bat gets kill by only one hit, bite attack*(1-3 bats), you have to wait until all 3 bat die to respawn, bats can hang on the ceilings;
Reindeer: the size is bigger that a hunter, horn attack(works like chainsaw), high jump, running speed increase when running, attack damage base on the running speed, knock down the hunter's weapon if hit(like fist), has same amount of heath of as the hunters(full health);
Monkey: same size as the eagle, very high jump, fast speed, slash/bite attack, weapon steal(you guys decide the monkey can use gun or not), can hang on the walls, low health(half health);
Wolf: same size as a hunter, high attack and running speed, low jump, bite attack, attack damage increase when there is more wolf in the screen(because wolves use to live in groups.);
Lion: bigger than the wolves, higher attack damage, but lower running speed, low jump, has same amount of heath of as the hunters(full health);
Snake: the body is small, but long, easy to hide, lower running speed, higher jump, low health, high attack damage(poison attack), at the moment a snake get kill, it doesn't just die, it has 5-10 second alive, and at these second, the snake will increase its speed and attack damage.
Bear: much bigger than a hunter, slash attack, highest attack damage(maybe one hit kill), slow running speed, very high health(full health + half vest).
Elephant: Largest size, slowest running speed, long attack distance(with nose), can step on the hunters(one hit kill), cannot jump, highest health (full health + full vest).
ps. eagle, snake, wolf, lion and bear can recover their health by eating die bodies(but not they own kinds)
all animals become Berserker when their health are low, bats become Berserker when only one bat left.
Keron Cyst
June 9, 2005, 2:51 am
You really ought to take up something. As in, a musical instrument, which demands time (above all), patience, & commitment. I'd be the snake, BTW.
Deleted User
June 9, 2005, 4:01 am
that would be a cool gametype but...elephants?!? that seems crazy and elephants are on the endagered animal list...oh wait this is Soldat who cares about endangered animals
June 9, 2005, 6:25 am
Well, my heavens! I'll have you know that I care for the elephants, digital or otherwise.
i am ahab
June 9, 2005, 10:40 am
*forked tongue!*
*forked tongue!*
Deleted User
June 9, 2005, 11:42 am
hmm... i dunno..! I'm not sure this idea will really work out..
June 9, 2005, 11:59 am
just so its not all in favour of the hunters, i'd say limit them to 2 weapons:
a ruger-like weapon that only has 1 bullet. but its arcless like barret, but not as powerful. still need 2 shot to kill.
or a sawed off shotgun that spreads more, but has less arc than a spas, and takes less time to reload. but it'll only have 2 shots (duh)
June 9, 2005, 12:06 pm
Who would one to be an animal? I still say it isnt good, cos it defeats the purpose of soldat. I dont want to collect points for killing animals who cant fight back.
Deleted User
June 9, 2005, 12:11 pm
but its funny cus the last one to survive wins
June 10, 2005, 2:19 am
wow I'd love to be a cow...(not really)
Captain Ben
June 10, 2005, 7:13 am
I'd kill for this idea if I could be a jellyfish!
June 13, 2005, 9:33 pm
It sounds pretty cool in a wierd way. I'd play it.