June 8, 2005, 10:04 pm
Besides the free cam which is there already, that lets you switch between players, there should a "true" free cam which lets you view any point of the map, not being bound to a player (similar to when you join an empty server as spec, but faster and customizable, lets you change direction and speed either by a panel or depending on how close the cursor is to the screen border).
I think this would increase the viewing comfort for specs as well as making life easier for Soldat movie makers. Thats one thing Id REALLY like to see with the next patch or next version.
Deleted User
June 9, 2005, 2:21 pm
Definitely an awesome idea. I hate being a spec and having to snap back and forth between players just to find something good to watch
i am ahab
June 9, 2005, 3:21 pm
possibly with 'snap-to' points hotkeyed to the keyboard such as the enemy bases instead of just clicking to cycle.
and options to trail just behind a player and follow rials would be a cool future addition for demo makers
Mini Man
June 9, 2005, 4:50 pm
Yea, and myb some kind of zoomed out mode (Like on worms) where you can see the battle really taking place?
June 9, 2005, 6:30 pm
Yea, I like it. Especially good for survival when your teammates die and you can only vierw back and forth to their corpses, and you can't find the enemy or flag.
Zoom out = brilliant as well.
June 9, 2005, 8:40 pm
That sounds like an awesome idea. I've always wanted that! :))
June 9, 2005, 9:13 pm
Wasn't the free camera already included in Soldat before ver. 1.1.5?
I suggested this idea to Michal M. several months ago, but he didn't seem to be convinced to put it back in.
Let's hope your topic here will make him change his mind.
I support the idea.
Also, having the camera automatically bound to a player right after you've been killed, this is unfair. Sometimes it even reveals a sniper position. And it's irritating to be stuck following a player.
Let's be free!
Give us back our precious free camera please!
Deleted User
June 9, 2005, 10:56 pm
seen this idea beofir on this forums.. anyway I fully support it
Deleted User
June 9, 2005, 11:59 pm
I've always wanted somthing like this camera idea.
Yoda says: "indeed handy would this be"
June 10, 2005, 11:08 am
I support this Idea.
Would be very great!
Michal Marcinkowski
June 10, 2005, 3:59 pm
But when you die it's only a couple of seconds, you won't have time to 'hover' to the place you want. Unless it is survival mode then maybe it's a good idea, but then I would have to mute the dead players for the living ones...
June 10, 2005, 7:19 pm
People are talking about spectator mode here.
And yes, it would rock :o
Keron Cyst
June 10, 2005, 7:45 pm
Not many people go into Spectator Mode (I honestly don't see why you would, unless you were eating and were too busy to join the carnage yourself)...
@Michal Marcinkowski: what about separate mouse sensitivity for in-game and hovering (so you can quickly move the cam. to where you want, but play with a normally aiming cursor)?
June 11, 2005, 12:13 am
quote:Originally posted by Michal MarcinkowskiBut when you die it's only a couple of seconds, you won't have time to 'hover' to the place you want. Unless it is survival mode then maybe it's a good idea, but then I would have to mute the dead players for the living ones...
Were talking about spectator mode here :p
Shouldnt be too much of a problem to limit this totally free cam to specs/demos. So, as I already mentioned, the advantages are:
+ more comfort for Soldat moviemakers resulting in better Soldat movies
+ more comfort for specs, cause in spec mode youre atm wildly hopping around. Example: when the player you followed dies, and you want to watch what is going on next at the place he died (if it was an ongoing attack), its like *click* *click* *click* until you got another player who is involved into this combat in focus, in case there is one left.
So I dont see any disadvantages adding this to specmode/demo viewing.
PS: A control panel for demo viewing would totally roxxor, like being able to pause, rewind, forward or changing the time compression while watching. Besides improving Soldat movies and comfort again, this would be helpful to league admins. If there is a protest -for example- claiming that the enemy did something very mean and unfair, and a demo was submitted as proof, league admins have to view the whole demo until this very point, and if they didnt get everything at the first time watching, they have to view it again. And now imagine this in a demo of a CTF clanwar that took 10 mins on one map, and this evil incidence that was later on protestead against, occured somewhen at 9:30. Either you can then set the speed to 200%, wait only about 4 minutes to see it, miss half of it cause its so fast and then watch it again, or you view it at full speed which will take 10 minutes aswell.
So, such a control panel would come in VERY handy.
Deleted User
June 11, 2005, 4:21 am
yey.. I thought about how cool it would be with such a control panel :P
BY THE WAY. Is my eyes decieving me, or does a moderator break the sig rules..?? hmm?? 1 pic and 3 lines of text have we?
June 11, 2005, 10:27 am
shuddup psycho, the image is tiiiiny. :)
i think this should also be in survival, as MM said. and the 'few' seconds are quite long sometimes, especially on ctf servers with a long wave respawn...
Deleted User
June 11, 2005, 3:40 pm
Yeah, in survival. But muting the dead from the 'undead' (=P) ... I say make it a seperate option.
Captain Ben
June 11, 2005, 3:44 pm
I think the dead should do '...', so you atleast know the player is still there.
June 14, 2005, 2:51 pm
good idea... and it shouldnt be taht hard to implement cause the featuree is already "available" when u join an empty server.
Michal Marcinkowski
June 15, 2005, 2:31 pm
If it's for spectators then alright I might do it.
About the demo control panel: it could be a bit tricky, I'll see what I can do.
The @venger
June 16, 2005, 12:47 pm
why not all the time, mm? i hate it while i die spraying, and my screen jumps like mad....
Deleted User
June 17, 2005, 1:43 am
sorry if someone already suggested this but i'm 2 lazy to real all threads so, i think there should be a little version of the map and you should be able to click on a certain area and jump to it automatically (dont think that's spelled right). Also there should be a little "x" or "box" shwoing the area being viewed.