Keron Cyst
June 12, 2005, 4:20 pm
The parachute shouldn't fall off if the map you're playing on has no jet settings and you right-click! :-P That's death/extreme ow for Realistic Mode.
June 12, 2005, 5:18 pm
Why would you right-click when you have no jet? ;)
Mini Man
June 12, 2005, 6:01 pm
Lol Meandor i was thinking the same :)
June 12, 2005, 9:21 pm
Well in a perfect reality you wouldn't. But seeing how we are humans and almost every single map in the game have jets a person would occassionally slip and accidentally right click. It probably wouldn't happen a lot but it would happen.
June 12, 2005, 9:25 pm
lol, i try to fly with jest even in Nexuiz when im fallig :D
Captain Ben
June 13, 2005, 2:57 am
I liked it more in the last version how your parachute didn't come of when you jetted. It was the best on Inf_Fortess :D
Deleted User
June 13, 2005, 3:45 pm
I agree , I dont like when fall from high and broke my bones :\