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[SECURITY] Admin Password
Soldat Forums - Server Talk - Server Help
June 16, 2005, 10:02 pm
Hi everybody,
I'm running the last version of Soldat's server on my FreeBSD Box. I don't have any problem with the server itself. The problem is that some cheaters have found a way to remotly change the admin password on my server. I've tried to protect my server with my firewall... however the admin port seems to be the same than the join port. I've looked up in the config file and there is a "port", and a "join port". I've tried to mess up with that stuff but I think I have missed something.
Could you guys help me to secure my admin port? (getting tired of changing my password...)

June 16, 2005, 10:07 pm
Send Michal Marcinkowski a PM with detailed info on your problem, and I think Soldat Guardian - by Vostok 4 will be usefull, use Forum search..

Deleted User
June 16, 2005, 11:32 pm

Use that script to protect ur admin port.

you should make sure they are doing it via the admin port rather than ingame, because if its ingame there aint much you can do about it, other than get some kind of packet filter to change incoming packets that say "/adminlog" or "/adminpass" to somthing different or completely block them.