June 21, 2005, 5:29 am
To the mod: I used search and found nothing.
A new method to get power-ups instead of boxes based on kills.
-) the more kills you get, the more points shall be awarded to your personal score-board (or w.e)...
-) getting multiple kills gives you extra points. Killing 4 people in a row means you get 4 points for regular killing, and, firstly, 1 point for double-kill then one point for triple-kill, and then lastly, another poin for multi-kill; so total of 7!
-) power-ups cost points - how much they cost will be ultimately up to big M but here's my suggestion:
...-) Grenades: One for a kill with max set by server host*
...-) Cluster upgrade: Converts regular greandes into cluster grenades - cost is one kill for every grenade
...-) Bulletproof Vest: costs 6 kills
...-) Medikit: costs 8 kills
...-) Berserker: costs 10 kills
...-) Predator: costs 12 kills
...-) Flame God: costs 12 kills
...-) Spy: costs 12 kills (look at other topic)
-) every time you "spend" your points, you lose however much you spent (duh?).
-) perhaps lose a quarter of a point (.25) for dying?
Still open to many suggestions, so keep posting!
June 21, 2005, 3:07 pm
Berserker must be more expensive because THAT ROX!
But i dont really know this is a good idea..... i think that this had bin suggested
Keron Cyst
June 21, 2005, 4:18 pm
Two words (well, three if you're not counting connected).
Counter-strike money :-|
June 21, 2005, 7:26 pm
I really don't like that idea... Because the thougher players will be destroying the weakers one all the time *walks away*
June 21, 2005, 8:38 pm
sounds like ur afraid cuz then you'll always die raptor....and i've never played cs fye....i don play many good fps on my comp. and personally, i like the pred box more though - and besides, the prices are still only suggestions.
Keron Cyst
June 22, 2005, 12:13 am
Hee, hee; I've never played CS, either (only seen someone else playing it) :-P You collect ca$h for kills and buy better weapons upon respawn, if I recall correctly.
June 22, 2005, 12:16 am
I'm not afraid, because I consider myself a though player and I still think that it wont be fair that weaker players should die all the time because of your suggestion...
Deleted User
June 22, 2005, 12:51 am
if this is added more people are gonna make cheats for this....but i still like this, but the boxes should cost more like 30 kills
June 22, 2005, 1:06 am
30 kills!??! in an average game, one stumbles upon a power-up about twice in a reg. deathmatch or regular ctf...and usually a max kills on average is around 30 for the most part...so 12 for a good box I would consider to be reasonably fair (note: The "I" is capitalized not because I's are general capitalized, but because I mean to say it more pronounced!)
EDIT: concerning possible cheats, have you ever seen anyone use a cheat which gives him more points in any game? no, that's because kills are all server controlled and therefore it'd be quite easy to let the server manage "money"-distribution, so i don think cheating would appropriately fall under this category! (though do speak if you think otherwise)
Deleted User
June 22, 2005, 5:39 am
bad idea -_-
so da good players get all da good stuff to own more n so the less skilled would get less kills
n if u lose .25 points for dying then the pros with super upgrades will kill the less skilled n they less points then they will never be able to buy nething
Keron Cyst
June 22, 2005, 7:09 am
Oh, I missed that. Yea, I'd hate losing points for dying; if this was to be implemented, not everyone would like being forced to "buy" stuff.
I'm sorry, I'm thinking really negatively on this idea now. Not that I was ever optimistic on it in the first place :-/
Green Barret
June 22, 2005, 8:28 am
How about simply modifing the current advance mode so that it fits the CS theme better than this? The current system is rather random on choosing weapons.
In my opinion though, I'm tired of CS. Being a CS addict for 6 years(man am I a dork), there is nothing in CS that lasts fun for long. What Soldat seriously needs is a totally creative mode that has not existed before. That'd be much more fun than making popular game look alikes.
Deleted User
June 22, 2005, 12:01 pm
i've seen a hacker take over my dedicated server before zyxstand, he kicked me out of my server then i couldn't control it anymore so i had to ctrl alt del to close it.
Keron Cyst
June 22, 2005, 7:03 pm
quote:Originally posted by Green Barret... What Soldat seriously needs is a totally creative mode that has not existed before. That'd be much more fun than making popular game look alikes.
Well, I like Advanced Mode, but hardly any servers use it :-/
June 22, 2005, 9:17 pm
wowowow hold all ya'll u ppl!
it's not like it'll rly make you always better and better, like positive feedback stuff! you only have berserk for 15 secs, and that won't really help you get soo many kills and buy berserker box again! and the losing points was just a suggestion, and now that i think of it - wasn't rly that good.
it adds more strategical fun to the game and doesn't give one too much advantage!
Deleted User
June 22, 2005, 9:17 pm
I think this idea is quite OK, though IMO you shouldn't lose points and I think MediKits and Grenades should still be boxes.
June 23, 2005, 1:31 am
...you're right, losing points would be too disadvantage for people. and dealing with negative points is most annoying - esp. if you've gone afk for a while in a server and come back with 15 more deaths - most unfair...so i guess no losing points.
Deleted User
June 23, 2005, 1:39 am
cant say I like this... let them stay in box mode. so much simpler. so after 15 min's everyone wont be running around with berserker.
Keron Cyst
June 23, 2005, 6:44 am
quote:Originally posted by Green BarretHow about... modifing the current advance mode so that it fits the CS theme better than this? The current system is rather random on choosing weapons....
But I like Advance Mode the random way; it forces you to adapt to whatever gun(s) you're given, and thus have you train with 'em (bots are boring :-P). Maybe a Purchase Mode? xD
June 25, 2005, 5:30 pm
g.b and k.c - this has nothing to do with your weapons! it's all about buying power-ups that you could find in a game!