July 2, 2005, 10:21 pm
I have been tring to make my own crappy movies ever since i saw the awsomeness of everyone elses movies. im also very very cheap. is there any software that is good 4 windows?? i have the unregistered version of frap and some cheepo avi compressing stuff. any help or being yelled at for being a noob to the forums would be greatly appreciated.
July 3, 2005, 12:08 am
If i got you right, You need a video "processing" program, you should try Windows Movie Maker as it is easy and free to use ..
Deleted User
July 3, 2005, 9:22 am
I already use camtasia studio. It works perfect
July 3, 2005, 11:54 am
Try this non-linear video editor:
Otherwise get a trial of Adobe Premiere. Google is your friend..
July 3, 2005, 3:38 pm
I'm using Vegas 6, it's good, might be a bit complicated at the start though. There's a 30-day trial if you can't manage to get a coughcoughfullversionfromwarezcoughcough.
July 5, 2005, 7:52 pm
any program to do anything will help me out
fraps makes my fps go down to 5 or 10
crappy avi thing is comfusing and keeps telling me to register
windows movie maker is the only thing that actually does somthing, not always what i want, but something
July 5, 2005, 9:58 pm
Try taksi, It records AVIs for free : http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/taksi/taksi-0.5.zip?download
July 6, 2005, 12:07 am
thanks im tring it now
hope to have a terible movie up soon
July 6, 2005, 12:57 am
It won't be terrible, We're waiting for your 1337 skillz =)
July 6, 2005, 1:20 pm
owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you, but im still a noob
i dont know what frame rate to use, at least i know what frame rate is :(
July 6, 2005, 1:37 pm
use 15 frame rate and ur diamond demo player at 80% speed.
use fraps btw.
July 10, 2005, 4:40 pm
my movie is 600mb and i compressed it till it was a blur!
July 10, 2005, 8:06 pm
quote:Originally posted by a-4-year-oldahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
my movie is 600mb and i compressed it till it was a blur!
Use a MPEG-4 codec (like DivX or XviD) at about 1200 kbit/s and MP3 for audio.
You will have good quality at 10 megabytes per minute.
July 10, 2005, 8:24 pm
where would i get that????
my movie's done but it's too big
i was tring to make it a dvd with my free stuff i got online, but that doesnt work as well as expected.
the timing on the music is messed up because it shortens the length of the stills, (title screen credits screenshots...) my movie is a comedy but ill never be able to show it (still angry at hours off laggy gameplay for nothing)
someone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
July 11, 2005, 12:27 am
too much stuff to download!!! i just want to get a compressor that doesn't mess up the sound
July 11, 2005, 12:49 am
how do i do that in the program? now im confused
July 12, 2005, 4:56 pm
okay update this is my third post in a row im sorry but i still dont know how to edit my posts. #2 where/how do i post my totaly finished movie
sorry again for triple post ;<
July 13, 2005, 2:44 pm
you see the little icons above your post the one with the pencil is edit
July 13, 2005, 2:51 pm
i just logged on 4 times succsessfully and i never saw a pencil
July 13, 2005, 2:55 pm
pencil and paper as an icon above your... oh not your post your reply, srry.
July 13, 2005, 4:44 pm
i know, my reply has no pencil on it ether *snif snif*
i still cant post my totaly finnished movie ;(
edit: oh for some reason i logged in and got logged out now i see it :) thanks but the slightly more importaint problem. is there anyone who could recomend a good way (website, person who does this stuff, anything informative) for posting my totaly finished moovie :]