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problem running dedicated
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Server Help
February 8, 2003, 8:50 am

i run soldat on a remote games server. when I fire up any of the gui's, I don't see any text in any of the menu's/buttons. I've set dedicated=1 in the soldat.ini. I've checked the faq and the forum but I don't seem to see any other indication of someone having similar problems. any suggestions would be appreciated.



(moved to server corp forum - DNA.styx)

February 15, 2003, 9:01 am

i know it's bad form replying to your own post, but I was really hoping someone would have a suggestion for me regarding this. if more detail is needed, please let me know.



February 19, 2003, 2:54 am
Can you run the server with -dedicated -start in the commandline?

- maybe your video drivers can't handle soldat? On my workstation, Soldat crashed me to a BSOD with Win2000 and an MSI GeForce 4600. I didn't even get to the GUI... Yet on my server with a crappy old ATI Rage2C, it runs perfectly.

- I can't remember if this is the case but maybe you require DirectX? I don't remember whether I needed to install DX or not on my server. The confusion probably comes from so many games requiring DX now to run a text display...

- You're running it remotely, maybe the case is that the soldat.exe is trying to execute using the IP of the controlling machine and is getting confused?

Yes, these are all shots in the dark. I happily admit to guessing here.