The @venger
July 12, 2005, 11:48 pm
i was in this realistic game, it was named "m79 and barret real", and having a not- so- good day, and then this guy came in, and i started to use the chainsaw, just fer kicks.
and i became really good at it, and was even with the ppl using barret or m79, so everyone started using chainsaw:)
and that was überphun, so what i want, is some good chainsaw- only servers, that i- and other chaisaw freaks can have some fun on!
Deleted User
July 12, 2005, 11:55 pm
ive been on there before. was it dm_bunker?
The @venger
July 12, 2005, 11:55 pm
many maps, and chainsawing was sooooo fun!
Deleted User
July 13, 2005, 12:24 am
Heh, I remember there was this guy at ctf_b3b or whatever its called, and he was really good with the chain saw, and hed always be running at the very bottom getting multi kills to steal the flag. Eventually everyone started using chainsaws and was running down there. I got a few multi kills myself. XD
July 13, 2005, 8:48 am
I've lost my lust for the chainsaw since the hit detection is off in this version. =/ I'll have a field day when it's fixed, that much is certain.
Deleted User
July 13, 2005, 4:54 pm
It's a shame that chainsaw is in newbiefashion. Even if you try to use it for a laugh or two, somebody still calls you a noob.
And I like chainwars, too. Too bad I haven't found a server for them.
Deleted User
July 13, 2005, 7:49 pm
I never call people a chainsaw noob...thats by far one of the hardest weapons to use if you're not in a map where everyone is crammed in 1 walkway. Wouldnt that be cool if you could throw them like knives? XD
The @venger
July 13, 2005, 8:22 pm
no, honestly, no. chainsaw is a melee only weap, and it should continue to be that.... i depise knives, theyre kinda.... mainstream.
btw, the chainsaw requires no aim, the chainsaw skill is all in dodging, so it can teach u a thing or two about how to survive with any weapon too.
its in no way noobish.
Deleted User
July 13, 2005, 10:43 pm
Aye - but you have to consider the fact you have to be right next to the guy to chainsaw him, so aerial chainsaw fights can be hard without good aerial dodging and moving skills. And knives are fun, especially when you throw it at an impossible to hit target and they jump right into it. But still, just imagine the effects of throwing a chainsaw at a guys head. *mutilation*
Deleted User
July 13, 2005, 11:01 pm
Chain saw are for close combat guys. im not one of them. I did have one good "MEGA KILLAH!" on ctf_xwing (its in the "starwars mod") 15 guys were behind a hill behind the flag and i jumped in and sawed em ALL to pieces then they shot me >_<
July 13, 2005, 11:47 pm
chainsaws are definitely not for noobs. it's by far the hardest weapon to use online. btw doomdoer, it's "MASTA KILLA"
Deleted User
July 14, 2005, 3:09 pm
Yes, but it's because of the noobs that use it. They all say, OMG CAINsAWW SOO CCOOL, and then go noob with it.
It's just the same for minigun, too.
The @venger
July 15, 2005, 11:09 am
quote:Originally posted by DoomdooerChain saw are for close combat guys. im not one of them. I did have one good "MEGA KILLAH!" on ctf_xwing (its in the "starwars mod") 15 guys were behind a hill behind the flag and i jumped in and sawed em ALL to pieces then they shot me >_<
er, they shot u after u had sawed them to pieces? ^^
Deleted User
July 15, 2005, 6:02 pm
Again I played in ctf_b3b and ditched my knife for the chainsaw...made over 20 kills by running threw that small tunnel until everyone figured out how to stop me...It was also good for killing the efc when hes crammed under that rock.