Deleted User
July 13, 2005, 10:59 pm
This is my topic where you can tell a short story about your finest body bustin moment.
here goes: I had a Barret and I say this guy on the hill (we were playin ctf_run I think) and he starts chattin never even knew i was there hehehe I was like 20 feet from him and i took aim and fired!!! he was on our side near our flag and his head went allllllllll the way to his base and (so i was told) landed right on the other team's flag!
July 13, 2005, 11:49 pm
please don't chatkill. unless it's 1on1 or 2on2, it's not cool.
Deleted User
July 14, 2005, 6:27 am
Yeah...chatkilling aint cool. Its not hard to tell if they're typing up a message either. Normally i just jump past them or wait for them to finish, or even just ignore them. Common courtesy. ;)
July 14, 2005, 6:31 am
Well, nothing's cooler than throwing a nade or two and using them and m79 to blow someone all over the screen. :D
Deleted User
July 14, 2005, 6:38 pm
Nothings wrong with chatkilling.
It's their fault they're chatting in the open,not yours.
Thats like someone standing still while someones walks by and shoot them and be like HA NUB I WASNT CHATTING
chat in your own damn base not in the middle of a battlefield.
Deleted User
July 14, 2005, 8:12 pm
I dont chat in the middle of the game, always in my own base, unless i need to say something to the team really quick which usually takes less then a few seconds. However I wont even kill people not moving in their own base when I steal the flag. They just get pissed when they see while typing that they could of stopped the person...then again they probably wouldnt of been in the base if they werent typing or afkish. *shrugs*
Deleted User
July 14, 2005, 9:33 pm
quote:Originally posted by Gen0cide`Nothings wrong with chatkilling.
It's their fault they're chatting in the open,not yours.
Thats like someone standing still while someones walks by and shoot them and be like HA NUB I WASNT CHATTING
chat in your own base not in the middle of a battlefield.
Yeah I agree it was his fault. I didn't start this topic to have my playin skills critisized by the way! so go ahead and tell about your favorite body bustin moment!
July 14, 2005, 9:55 pm
A noobie knife user decided to charge at me, after I had to reload the AK. It was a death match in Viet, in one of those tunnels
I say he was a noobie because 1. He didn't throw his knife and 2.He didn't think I had a secondary weapon.
At point blank range, I pull out my LAW, and slatter his guts all over my face. After that, I didn't need my rations.
Chaos Controll
July 15, 2005, 12:33 am
I had a good one once, on a realistic mode team game map. there were about 10 noobs (id assume, since they were all facing the same way, and they werent looking around) and i came behind them. Just before that I had killed a guy with the twin eagles, and my current weapon of choice was the barret. anyways first i shot them with the barret, and headshotted like 5 of them, then i whipped out my twin eagles, and blew the snot of of the rest of them, one headshot each. It was so funny because they were just standing there waitinbg to be shot...hehehe..
July 15, 2005, 12:56 am
I like to go up to them and punch their weapon out of their hands, throw my secondary away from them so they have to find it to go get it. Then pick up their weapon and make it my new secondary. Or if you throw a knife just right, it takes all of their life away. Which is another fun thing to do.
A good one I had was on ctf_B2b. As I was just running under the Bunker/canope. A sniper shot my head just right. My head flew all the way to my bases spawn and fell throw the hole between the floating polygon and where everyone respawns. A few people respawned and at that time I had said "WEEEEE!" One guy replied with, "cool free talking head."
Deleted User
July 15, 2005, 1:06 am
Nading people in their own base at ctf_voland is always fun. Its a classic when you throw 4 grenades down the hole after you snatched the flag. flew up and are making a getaway.
Deleted User
July 16, 2005, 7:01 pm
If I saw somebody typing, I usually throw my weapon and fist him...
Deleted User
July 17, 2005, 8:13 am
I usually stab them. Ive really forgotten all courtesy towards chatkilling since people dont give it back anymore. Oh well. 1 kill for me thats free, and rather funny. *stab*
July 18, 2005, 2:37 am
quote:Originally posted by Gen0cide`Nothings wrong with chatkilling.
It's their fault they're chatting in the open,not yours.
Thats like someone standing still while someones walks by and shoot them and be like HA NUB I WASNT CHATTING
chat in your own damn base not in the middle of a battlefield.
When I chat, I expect people to kill me, even if i'm in my base.
Deleted User
July 18, 2005, 5:26 pm
i was the one whose body was busted but it was awesome... i was runnin for the enemy flag... and i jumped and a sniper shot me mid-air and my head went flyin and landed on the sniper (he was just a little ways off screen) It was awesome cuz the head flew so fast..and if a flyin head could hurt people that guy would've been toast.
Deleted User
July 19, 2005, 6:18 pm
I had an awsome body buster yesterday.
My friend and I were dueling in Lagrange and he got the flame god. he started shootin at me and I guess it was a glitch because the flame was comin out his butt! I was laughin so hard he killed me 3 times.
and then I sat at his spawn spot and had a barret and I hid until he came floatin down on his parachute. and I shot his head off and the res of his body was still floatin down on the parachute. his head went from the left side alllllll the way to the right, or so he said.