July 17, 2005, 3:09 am
wow, i realized i have been in the forums since 23 ocober of 2003!!?? tthats like 2 ad a half years...quite a lot...
July 17, 2005, 6:47 am
Omgoose ive been here since "11 Jun 2003" lol thats almost like 2 and a quarter years :o Mara hasnt been here for 2 years even :P
Deleted User
July 18, 2005, 1:29 am
so? I have nearly been here 2 months.. dont shoot me
Milkman Dan
July 18, 2005, 2:02 am
And you have 788 posts?! What the hell, psycho.
July 18, 2005, 2:04 am
quote:Originally posted by Milkman DanAnd you have 788 posts?! What the hell, psycho.
Hahahahah Uberpwned
Deleted User
July 18, 2005, 2:28 am
what can I say, I love the forums :P
Deleted User
July 18, 2005, 3:49 am
quote:Originally posted by Psychowhat can I say, I love the forums :P just spam and revive old topics to get to a colonel...i've been here longer than you and im only a leutinant
Deleted User
July 18, 2005, 4:22 am
has it dropped that much? dang I used to be at 8.2
well.. 3 weeks vacation.. gottas start spa..hum.. posting again.. but I dont revive old topics...
Deleted User
July 18, 2005, 5:07 am
quote:Originally posted by Psychohas it dropped that much? dang I used to be at 8.2
well.. 3 weeks vacation.. gottas start spa..hum.. posting again.. but I dont revive old topics...
lol. psycho you lovable grouch.
Leo Da Lunerfox
July 18, 2005, 7:13 am
I've been here around....3 years, if I remember correctly.
July 19, 2005, 12:23 am
Yo udont' have to remember lol, jsut click to see your profile duh...
Deleted User
July 19, 2005, 12:34 am
I used to be just like Psycho. I miss it. ;(
July 19, 2005, 1:31 am
2 and a half years? lol why did you add the 'and a half' when you haven't even been 2? :O
July 19, 2005, 3:24 am
He was here but not registered :P
Fangus Deef
July 19, 2005, 4:06 am
24 Jun 2003
06 Jan 2004
so there :P