July 17, 2005, 8:59 pm
I dont think the autos are over powered at all and I dont even use them, I actually think the power of all weapons in the current version is perfect weaker and stronger weapons get made up in reload time. One thing id really like to see is finally some way of registering your nick so nobody can use it but the registered member of that nick, that should be really important. Another thing id like to see is when you switch to secondary weapons your primary weapon will reload (at the same speed or even a little slower) while its not in use. A way to rid the barret campers that everyone seems to hate could be to make it so if you move the barret will reload a little bit faster but if you stay still in one place it will reload slow like it does now or even a little slower.
July 17, 2005, 11:24 pm
1. You obviously haven't played team games in serious leagues
2. Has been suggested a least 2 or 3 times.
3. I don't like it at all. Would advantage Socom too much by the way.
July 17, 2005, 11:49 pm
none of what you said makes sense AT ALL!
why should barret be reloaded faster while running
why should weapons reload at all while not in use (unless its a self-reloadable type)
but the name registering is useful...once or twice it happened that while i was in a game someone left and rejoined with my EXACT name and started spamming and kept trying to kick
Deleted User
July 18, 2005, 12:02 am
Lets just pretend this never happened.
July 18, 2005, 12:18 am
Well everyone (Please refrain from swearing)es about campers I simply just made a suggestion if they cant stay in 1 place or be penalized for it like I mentioned above youd probably see far less of them so tell me whats so stupid about that? Aside from all the cocky comments to suggestions I made the only reply that seems to make sense to me is
quote:3. I don't like it at all. Would advantage Socom too much by the way.
I can see that didnt think about that.
quote:why should barret be reloaded faster while running
It was a suggestion for a modification to discourage camping, it could make all the campers think about movin more often then just jumpin in a bush and stayin there takin shot after shot.
quote:why should weapons reload at all while not in use (unless its a self-reloadable type)
It was my suggestion, since im switching between primary and secondary weapons so much that would make it a lot faster to use your primary and secondary weapon non stop not just one or two times before you die (in most cases)
Do I reply to threads or suggestions you made like oh thats stupid, your stupid, etc
Ill admit im newer to the game but there is nothing dumb about me speakin my mind to changes I would like to see.
July 18, 2005, 12:47 am
I like the name register idea.
Nothing else.
July 18, 2005, 12:58 am
you OBVISOULY didn't think this through all
you said you hate campers?
well just imagine one firing, and missing, swtichign to secondary (socom) and firing a round or two, and swtiching back with fully reloaded barret and firing again
also, the tricky part about coming up with new ideas like that is to find a reasonable and realistic way that adds realism to the game, and better balance of some sort...yours only tries to do the balancing part without any consideration for realism!
sry, but i totally disagree with you in almost every aspect
July 18, 2005, 1:01 am
Hello, I'm Chakra the beta tester.
Your suggestions have been acknowledged and processed by the beta team. We thank you for your effort involved, and the consideration towards a better Soldat for all of us.
As a fan of Soldat, it is your right as well as others to voice your opinion and give cause to a better Soldat for all who enjoy this great game. Suggestions are infinitely welcome by the community in hope of creating the perfect game for everyone.
Unfortunately after careful analysis of your preferred ideals towards Soldat,
it is my unfortunate role to inform you that you know **** all.
Again we thank you for the effort involved towards bringing your suggestion, and wish you good luck and happy gaming in Soldat.
Yours sincerely,
Chakra Marcinwookie El'Smithers the 3rd.
July 18, 2005, 5:44 am
This looks like it is one of my 1st posts in this section and most likely my last. Being a hardcore gamer in multiple games for quite a long time im just so scared to see all these internet tough guys runnin around.