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Illegal characters in ñãmés
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - Game Improvements / Suggestions
July 18, 2005, 6:57 am
ALT-0128 ? ALT-0129 #65533; ALT-0130 ?
ALT-0131 ? ALT-0132 ? ALT-0133 ?
ALT-0134 ? ALT-0135 ? ALT-0136 ?
ALT-0137 ? ALT-0138 ? ALT-0139 ?
ALT-0140 ? ALT-0141 #65533; ALT-0142 ?
ALT-0143 #65533; ALT-0144 #65533; ALT-0145 ?
ALT-0146 ? ALT-0147 ? ALT-0148 ?
ALT-0149 ? ALT-0150 ? ALT-0151 ?
ALT-0152 ? ALT-0153 ? ALT-0154 ?
ALT-0155 ? ALT-0156 ? ALT-0157 #65533;
ALT-0158 ? ALT-0159 ? ALT-0160
ALT-0161 ¡ ALT-0162 ¢ ALT-0163 £
ALT-0164 ¤ ALT-0165 ¥ ALT-0166 ¦
ALT-0167 § ALT-0168 ¨ ALT-0169 ©
ALT-0170 ª ALT-0171 « ALT-0172 ¬
ALT-0173 ­ ALT-0174 ® ALT-0175 ¯
ALT-0176 ° ALT-0177 ± ALT-0178 ²
ALT-0179 ³ ALT-0180 ´ ALT-0181 µ
ALT-0182 ¶ ALT-0183 · ALT-0184 ¸
ALT-0185 ¹ ALT-0186 º ALT-0187 »
ALT-0188 ¼ ALT-0189 ½ ALT-0190 ¾
ALT-0191 ¿ ALT-0192 À ALT-0193 Á
ALT-0194 Â ALT-0195 Ã ALT-0196 Ä
ALT-0197 Å ALT-0198 Æ ALT-0199 Ç
ALT-0200 È ALT-0201 É ALT-0202 Ê
ALT-0203 Ë ALT-0204 Ì ALT-0205 Í
ALT-0206 Î ALT-0207 Ï ALT-0208 Ð
ALT-0209 Ñ ALT-0210 Ò ALT-0211 Ó
ALT-0212 Ô ALT-0213 Õ ALT-0214 Ö
ALT-0215 × ALT-0216 Ø ALT-0217 Ù
ALT-0218 Ú ALT-0219 Û ALT-0220 Ü
ALT-0221 Ý ALT-0222 Þ ALT-0223 ß
ALT-0224 à ALT-0225 á ALT-0226 â
ALT-0227 ã ALT-0228 ä ALT-0229 å
ALT-0230 æ ALT-0231 e ALT-0232 è
ALT-0233 é ALT-0234 ê ALT-0235 ë
ALT-0236 ì ALT-0237 í ALT-0238 î
ALT-0239 ï ALT-0240 ð ALT-0241 ñ
ALT-0242 ò ALT-0243 ó ALT-0244 ô
ALT-0245 õ ALT-0246 ö ALT-0247 ÷
ALT-0248 ø ALT-0249 ù ALT-0250 ú
ALT-0251 û ALT-0252 ü ALT-0253 ý
ALT-0254 þ ALT-0255 ÿ

Of course, there will be a set limit to these, so nobody can have a name like:

ï þøøñ দ ñøøߧ

But maybe a limit of 3 or 4 characters per name. Would be kinda cool ey?

Maybe someone would make a hax for it to allow more than 3 or 4, but that would only make names less readable woohoo.

Heh, then the clan Alterego could have a REAL tag. [æ]

jöör ?höügh???? ò_Ó

July 18, 2005, 2:24 pm
Weird characters aren't supported simply because the font used in soldat does not have them.

July 18, 2005, 2:45 pm
hmm, what sort of craap shiitty font doesnt support the full ASCII character set?

Deleted User
July 18, 2005, 3:28 pm
Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't it be possible to change the font in the next version?

July 18, 2005, 3:47 pm
correct, but u can already change the font in this version

July 18, 2005, 4:09 pm
I hate those letters plz i hope that MM doesnt accept this idea

Deleted User
July 18, 2005, 4:53 pm
all those would confuse me too much

July 18, 2005, 5:06 pm
why remove em? th??? l?tt?rs c0uld @dd m0r? n@m? poss1b1lit1??. im i right... or l?ft?
(i just managed to confuse myself :P )

Keron Cyst
July 18, 2005, 5:12 pm
How long did it take you to type up that list?

July 18, 2005, 5:19 pm
he already tried to take these characters out in the last version. if you look in the changelog you will see that it says "only allowed keyboard characters in names" or something like that.

edit: for those of you slow-minded people, that means these characters are not coming back

July 19, 2005, 1:39 am
quote:Originally posted by UltraMagnushmm, what sort of craap shiitty font doesnt support the full ASCII character set?

All do, but they don't have their own. As in, they work and are displayed but aren't in the same style, and that looks bad (depends on the fonts really, but bgothl is no exception).

July 19, 2005, 9:30 pm
I'd really hate those characters to be supported in Soldat. Seeing names like that are so frustrating to look at in gmes that do have them...

July 19, 2005, 9:35 pm

.... that doesn't make my name cool...

?¦¦¦T·g·T9?ħe=wewee: Yo
DT: wtf kinda name is that?

July 20, 2005, 10:24 pm
wait (starts playing soldat)
(comes back to forum)

Da cHeeSeMaN
July 21, 2005, 9:07 am
man those names are just wierd

July 21, 2005, 4:34 pm
The ñ is not an illegal character, it is a very important letter in the latin language! Also the ü

How can they be used in a sentence:
No seas un niño = Don't be a kid
No seas un cazagüiro = Don't be a camper

July 21, 2005, 5:47 pm
Wouldn't weird charecters make the servers lag? I don't know why but hackers would probably figure out a way to abuse this.

July 21, 2005, 6:57 pm
That makes no sense hoodlum.


July 22, 2005, 6:17 am
i think the last thing soldat needs are jackasses with 'leet' names

July 22, 2005, 6:16 pm
At least allow them when you type. Us scandinavians need åÅäÄöÖæÆøØ to communicate properly. ;)

July 22, 2005, 7:13 pm
quote:Originally posted by UltraMagnushmm, what sort of craap shiitty font doesnt support the full ASCII character set?

Stop avoiding the swear filter. Also, check your facts.


That's the ASCII character set (excluding control codes).

July 22, 2005, 8:28 pm
lock this thread? the point has been established that MM specifically disallowed non-standard ASCII keys (127+)