Portuguese(brazil) Patch(+translation)
Topic in brazilian community: http://www.soldat.com.br/index.php?showtopic=4332
Download: http://rapidshare.de/files/3029043/SoldatBR.zip.html
-» Soldat in portuguese
-» All default taunts in portuguese, and added +CTF Taunts.
-» Bots, name and texts in portuguese.
-» Weap.s in portuguese
-» New visual interface
Topic in brazilian community: http://www.soldat.com.br/index.php?showtopic=4332
Download: http://rapidshare.de/files/3029043/SoldatBR.zip.html
-» Soldat in portuguese
-» All default taunts in portuguese, and added +CTF Taunts.
-» Bots, name and texts in portuguese.
-» Weap.s in portuguese
-» New visual interface