July 20, 2005, 4:14 pm
Here is something that could be implemented in 2 minutes. Write the name of the map to the server log when the server is started and when the map is changed. This will allow people to make a stats program that excludes scores and deaths from specified maps so you don't screw up your stats from all the deaths you've racked up in fun maps.
July 20, 2005, 10:16 pm
what? i dont get y you would bother doing any of that it dosent make sense!
July 20, 2005, 11:15 pm
isnt all this already in the consolelog ?
July 20, 2005, 11:59 pm
what you are saying doesnt make sense so you want servers to put mapnames in their names?? when the name of the map is right next to it?? thats stupid
Keron Cyst
July 21, 2005, 2:25 am
No, the Kill Log. The Kill Log when your game jots down all the kills & suicides & stuff. Wherever did you get the notion that it relates to server name?! o.O'
July 21, 2005, 2:29 pm
And its not already in the consolelog. It does display a message in the consolelog which is specified in the map file such as
05-07-16 08:13:51 Fake:JOIN RED
but this follows no specified format because it is made by the author of the map. What I'd like is something along the lines of
05-07-16 08:13:51 loaded map ctf_fake
This should be either in the ConsoleLog-x.txt or Log-x.txt logfiles.
July 21, 2005, 3:01 pm
It already is in there, you just can't suck at using your eyes. Below are two examples
05-07-15 15:01:46 Game Log Started
05-07-15 15:01:46 Welcome to Soldat 1.2.1
05-07-15 15:01:46 Laos
05-07-15 15:01:46 Connection for file server started. Port: 0
05-07-15 15:01:46 Registering server @ lobby.soldat.pl
05-07-15 15:01:46 Registering server @ selfkill.com
05-07-15 15:01:47 Game server added to lobby server @
05-07-15 15:01:47 Game server added to lobby server @
05-07-15 15:01:47 requesting game...
05-07-15 15:01:49 requesting game...
05-07-15 15:01:49 Lov3 joining game (
05-07-15 15:39:12 [-=NC=- KoroN] Xx
05-07-15 15:39:12 [[Xeon]lordrohith] lol
05-07-15 15:39:13 {THA} Dark Templar returned the Red Flag
05-07-15 15:39:17 junelor returned the Blue Flag
05-07-15 15:39:18 Next map: ctf_B2b
05-07-15 15:39:21 [[Xeon]lordrohith] Hurraaaa!!!
05-07-15 15:39:24 B2B
July 21, 2005, 3:12 pm
Lol, or you can use gamestat.txt also? 1...
July 21, 2005, 7:37 pm
Hmm... It appears that I am a noob. Perhaps i should do the real life version of /mercy :(
But first i will code an improved stats program. If anyones got any good ideas for it, please email then too th3raven@gmail.com.