Clan name:Supreme Militia/ Sex Machines (Whichever you prefer)
Contact:(msn) (aim)hockyplaya32 (e-mail)
More details about try-outs on the forums. We are looking for good soldat players who would be dedicated to a clan. We play mostly ctf and have a part-time ctf server up. Our main goal is to have fun but we scrimmage as much as possible and we aim to win. For schedule purposes east coast people would be best, but its not required.
Contact:(msn) (aim)hockyplaya32 (e-mail)
More details about try-outs on the forums. We are looking for good soldat players who would be dedicated to a clan. We play mostly ctf and have a part-time ctf server up. Our main goal is to have fun but we scrimmage as much as possible and we aim to win. For schedule purposes east coast people would be best, but its not required.