kEasyJoin - teh easy way to join
First: i know that there are several Tools very similar to mine, but i think mine is more easyier to handle and more intelligent.
EasyJoin eases you the fast access to a soldatgame.
Who doesnt knwo this, you want spontaneously play some rounds on you favorite server, but unfortunately you cannot find the server connection information. So you have to go the long way through the lobby.
...this wont happen with kEasyJoin!!!
The Clanplayer of you know another Problem too. You got the serverinformation via IRC or a Messenger in a format like this:
Mostly you copy the IP-Adress and try to keep the port and the password in mind, dont you? But usualy by typing the pass my brain maroons me :( So i have to switch to windows at look a second time. (except you have window-mode activated).
...this wont happen with kEasyJoin!!!
and now how works EasyJoin? very simple, it avoids the factor brain completely. You just copy the whole Informations at once in the IP-Adress-field and immediately the inteligent Filter regocnizes the importent parts and one click or button push more and you can play on the server quickly :D
* Favorits
* Joinmode selectable (Player/Spectaor)
* Screenmode selectable (Fullscreen/Window)
* AutoAdmin-Function
* Easy CopytoClipboard
* Skinable
* Always on Top
The Mainwindow and Joinoptions:
The Modes:
Upgrade hint: Backup the old "setup.ini". Install the Applikation in a fresh directory and overwrite the new setup.ini with the old one.
and now to the most importent: the download
kEasyJoin - teh easy way to join
First: i know that there are several Tools very similar to mine, but i think mine is more easyier to handle and more intelligent.
EasyJoin eases you the fast access to a soldatgame.
Who doesnt knwo this, you want spontaneously play some rounds on you favorite server, but unfortunately you cannot find the server connection information. So you have to go the long way through the lobby.
...this wont happen with kEasyJoin!!!
The Clanplayer of you know another Problem too. You got the serverinformation via IRC or a Messenger in a format like this:
Ip: PW:keydonLovesYouAll
Mostly you copy the IP-Adress and try to keep the port and the password in mind, dont you? But usualy by typing the pass my brain maroons me :( So i have to switch to windows at look a second time. (except you have window-mode activated).
...this wont happen with kEasyJoin!!!
and now how works EasyJoin? very simple, it avoids the factor brain completely. You just copy the whole Informations at once in the IP-Adress-field and immediately the inteligent Filter regocnizes the importent parts and one click or button push more and you can play on the server quickly :D
* Favorits
* Joinmode selectable (Player/Spectaor)
* Screenmode selectable (Fullscreen/Window)
* AutoAdmin-Function
* Easy CopytoClipboard
* Skinable
* Always on Top
The Mainwindow and Joinoptions:
The Modes:
Upgrade hint: Backup the old "setup.ini". Install the Applikation in a fresh directory and overwrite the new setup.ini with the old one.
and now to the most importent: the download