July 22, 2005, 9:22 am
Was wondering if anyone has any knife mods made, I see a lot for weapons but barely any for the knife. I dont want an axe or boomerang or anything like that just a fresh ass knife that looks like a knife. A sound effect pack would be pretty cool to like it cutting threw the air or flying threw the air as it nails your enemy. Anyone have one or can anyone make one?
July 22, 2005, 9:35 am
too late man, check out MercyMs melee workshop, tons of knife mods.
July 22, 2005, 8:34 pm
You could check out my Razor Sword. ;) [/shamelessplug]
July 22, 2005, 10:22 pm
MercyMs arent knives their axes bats etc im lookin for just a bunch of diff lookin knives. If I were to find an animated picture of a knife online could someone make it work with soldat for me and anyothers who would like to use it? tia
- Tek -
August 1, 2005, 10:07 pm
I made a spoon once, a rather good one too.