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How to argue like a pro...
Soldat Forums - Misc - The Bash Pit
July 23, 2005, 1:07 am
This has been posted on bb.com but it applies to internet in general. Credits go to Big_League from bb.com.

How to argue like a pro bb.com

1) Whenever someone disagrees with you, make homosexual references and call them gay

Statement: "While some of those facts are true, you are obviously very misinformed. World war 2 did NOT happen on 1967!"
Reply: "You are obviously very gay. Where'd I get the number 1967 from then? Oh yeah, that's how many guys you blew last week!"

2) When someone cites facts, insist that they could've came from anywhere, and the person is probably a liar

Statement: "I think you'll probably agree with me after you visit medicine.org, you will see that thetraclin actually is the cure for bacteria infections. Just go to the antibiotics page and read the second paragraph."
Reply: "You could've came up with that from anywhere. I mean facts FROM THE INTERNET? Do you believe everything you read? I bet you think the Easter Bunny is real, too!"

3) When all else fails, neg rep the person, call him a troll, tell him he's going to get banned, and call his country fascist.

Statement: "Well, I believe we both have good points, I guess we're going to have to just agree to disagree."
Reply: "Yeah you'd like that, fairy. You know what, you're nothing but a troll. Enjoy your neg reps. Oh, by the way, I'm reporting you to the mods, I hope you two can "agree to" ban your sorry trolling ass. But I guess that's what I should expect from an American!"

(I'm not writing this out of anger, actually I've never been neg repped but maybe 3-4 times, just see this all the time and thought it was funny, hopefully no one will take this the wrong way and turn this thread into a neg rep war )


Thought of some more, and the one that guy said:

4) Whenever possible, make abstract references to previous threads the other guy made, his stats, and information provided in his profile.

Statement: "I'm going to have to disagree here. If you do a little research, you'll find out that higher reps is agreed to be inferior to lower reps with more weight by most bodybuilders."
Reply: "Yeah, is that how they do it in IDAHO? Come on man. Becides, look you are 6'2" and weigh 195, a 6'2" person should weigh AT LEAST 240 otherwise they're lanky. Plus weren't you that guy who made a thread about water a week ago? A thread about WATER? What a loser!"

5) Take any chance to insult someone's education by pointing out small spelling errors, while avoiding the issue at hand, and failing to spell right yourself

Statement: "In my personil opinion, President Roosevelt was a gread prisident."


I thought of three more, thanks to the replies. Edited in .

6) If it looks like the person is much more well educated than you, quickly inform them that only nerds take the time to know what they're talking about.
Be sure to tell them that if they lived near you, they wouldn't dare disagree with you, but be sure to point out that you live in a rough city so you sound hard!

Statement: "Actually, the 19th amendment granted women's suffrage."
Reply: "Actually, you're a freaking nerd. What do you do, sit around and read the constitution all day? Boy you're lucky you don't live near me, I'd show you how we deal with your kind in Detroit, hahahaha!"

7) If it looks like the argument is coming to an end, be sure your closing statement is a very persuasive one, and don't hesitate to point out that they are probably a virgin. Extra points if you can make fun of how many posts they average per day, especially when you average more.

Statement: "I think we've both learned something, but the truth stands: protein absorbs fastest in water, and your post workout shake should always be mixed with water, not milk."
Reply: "This is ****ing stupid. If you love protein and water so much, why don't you go make love to it, homo? Well sorry I don't have any more time like you, 244 posts (Please refrain from swearing) CHRIST, that's like... 244 posts every 3 months LOL! Well loser, have fun typing on your computer while I'm out laying hot women!"

8) As a last resort, try to confuse the other guy by slamming your fist onto your keyboard and typing like a 13-year-old, followed by insisting you just "owned" him.

Statement: "Just because superdrol is sold over the counters does not make it safe. A safe age to begin taking it would be 21, in fact some argue you should wait until you're 23!"
Reply: "OMG LOLZEWRLOZERLOZR!!!11123!!eleven!!one1!! Yeah nice comeback ETHUG! HAHA U JUST GOT OWNED!"

July 23, 2005, 1:12 am
Right on, 8 ways of becoming karmazon.

July 23, 2005, 1:19 am
You (Please refrain from swearing), I bet you want 8 cocks

July 23, 2005, 1:33 am
Hehe, it made me laugh. Sad to see most of those "tips" are used though.

Good job!

Deleted User
July 23, 2005, 2:55 am
A little scary that these are actually used fairly often...

July 23, 2005, 3:02 am
youve already told us these on irc :p

July 23, 2005, 5:20 am
shut up troll lololololololol virginowned

July 23, 2005, 6:47 am
Only one rule:
Remain both physically and mentally superior.

Deleted User
July 23, 2005, 8:29 am
"My muscles or so huge, I can barely contain them in this wife-beater of mine. Say, my moosklees are so large, I should talk about them for hours upon hours in my pro body building forums. I wonder if they'll let me post pictures of these guns... and then I'll go PIITB."

July 23, 2005, 1:11 pm
lol, nice post there :D

Deleted User
July 24, 2005, 7:09 pm
They're all so true and funny...

July 25, 2005, 1:04 am
You wrote this rules karmazon, (Please refrain from swearing).

July 25, 2005, 1:19 am
No I didn't you facist, I guess that's what I can expect from a person with 733 posts you (Please refrain from swearing)ing spammer

July 25, 2005, 8:08 pm
Aw man, I wish I knew about the Bash Pit as a newbie, so I could have 0 posts.