July 25, 2005, 9:48 pm
Every notice that sometimes its impossible to get out of someones base running up a ramp like Kampfs on blue with the flag when there coming at you with a knife as soon as they spawn? If youve ever use the LAW you may notice that it has the short load on it like the barret only the barrets is way longer, it came to me that knife should be like that too so when they spawn they cant instally throw it at when your running up a ramp and they spawn :P Just a thought, please dont flame ;D
Deleted User
July 25, 2005, 11:17 pm
I seen somewhere : "If u are angry on something in Soldat. U mustn't write about how U don't like CAMPERS and SPAWNERS and 'We must do something with them'."
I think this topic is quite about this. No offence. Just my opinion...
July 25, 2005, 11:50 pm
Well first off dairy, that doesnt make any relation to the topic.
Second, I agree. This needs to be done!
July 25, 2005, 11:57 pm
Took me like 5 minutes to understand, you mean, make the knife have the little load bar last as long as the Law right?
July 26, 2005, 2:20 am
I was thinking the complete opposite, Messiah. It's more annoying to have to sit there and deal with spawncampers in every level than worry about getting killed while you're in the thick of the enemy's base (especially because chances are that you'll die regardless). So, why not do away with that little loading time at the beginning of the round, seeing as how the only thing that it's really good for is making you a nice, defenseless target and a waste of time as you switch weapons around just to load them after you spawn?
But then I began to think more clearly and I realized that the system in place now is the best it can be. Knives are a natural choice for a weapon that doesn't need to be loaded and if you are close enough for a person to kill you with a knife the instant they spawn, chances are that you wouldn't have gotten far even if they didn't have a knife. Other weapons, however, could be a real (Please refrain from swearing) to deal with if they had no loading time; the barret and LAW, for example would just obliterate any flag stealers in a match with a short respawn time.
That was basically a long-winded way to say that I like things the way they are, especially after considering the mofication of the loading times after a spawn for every weapon.
July 26, 2005, 2:52 am
personally, i think it makes it more fun how difficult it is to capture the blue flag on kampf and other similar maps.
Deleted User
July 26, 2005, 3:20 am
i just thought of something.....instead of when pushin f the knife just instantly throws, you have to hold it, then let go then it would throw
July 26, 2005, 3:37 am
main topic: i still don't get what your saying...
Deleted User
July 26, 2005, 6:50 am
i agree knife should work instantly no waiting time, great idea :P
Captain Ben
July 26, 2005, 6:55 am
Yeah, I'd be a cranky pirate if this were ever to be implemented. Anyway, when the player is still flashing, fresh from respawning, they shouldn't be able to thrw their knife.
July 26, 2005, 12:46 pm
I think that in CTF and INF (or any other future modes where U have a Base spawn) the "reload at start time" for all the guns (including baret and M79) should be REMOVED, but, in DM, the knife should have a small delay as the LAW does now... Only problem is, if U cant kill them with knife, it will be even easier to spawncamp :/ (spas does the trick tho)
July 26, 2005, 7:45 pm
quote:Originally posted by mar77aTook me like 5 minutes to understand, you mean, make the knife have the little load bar last as long as the Law right?
Yes that is what i mean, I know it would allow people to spawn kill more but i think it just makes it evened out with the law and chainsaw like the chainsaw you have to reload and the law has the load thing so you cant instantly shoot it i remember thsoe days U_U very cruel, but now you have to load it up for few seconds, which i think would fit nicley with the knife too.
Keron Cyst
July 26, 2005, 8:09 pm
quote:Originally posted by Messiah... now you have to load [the LAW] up for few seconds, which i think would fit nicley with the knife too.
Did you even read others' posts? For example Koon said instant knife throwing upon respawn makes it more fun. I say leave it the way it is.
Especially read this text:
quote:Originally posted by Vijchtidoodah... if you are close enough for a person to kill you with a knife the instant they spawn, chances are that you wouldn't have gotten far even if they didn't have a knife....
July 26, 2005, 8:27 pm
quote:Originally posted by Captain BenYeah, I'd be a cranky pirate if this were ever to be implemented.
July 27, 2005, 7:01 am
but the law/barret thing is basiscally only the bullet reload thing. you know how all weapons have a main reload bar for the clip and the small reload bar for the bullet? All weapons have it. The M79 is another big one. Basically, when you respawn, your weapon clips are freshly loaded, but not the bullet. Even with SOCCOM, if you pull it out, you will notice it first loading the bullet realllly fast. if you put it away and pull it out again, you will see that its already fully loaded. so basically, what im saying is, if you made the knife take a long time to load, that would mean your knife stabs would take just as much time in between them, and we wouldnt want that.
I highly doubt what i said made any sense or relevance, but if you think about it a lot, you'll get it.
July 27, 2005, 7:03 am
can't we just get some sort of sling-shot that you plant in the ground and put a knife in it and you'd have to pull it back and then let go and fire it in someone's face and it can go at like 40 soldat-feet per minute?
Keron Cyst
July 27, 2005, 6:25 pm
quote:Originally posted by Swarmer... your knife stabs would take just as much time in between them, and we wouldnt want that....
Yes, definitely. It wouldn't be worth the time programming some one-time reload.