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Problem with fraps.
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Fan Art and Movies
July 29, 2005, 7:06 pm
I'm playing around with my demo and fraps, and I am having a problem. I assigned the video capture key to f12, and disabled the other keys, but in the game, when i press it, it gives me an error message saying "Access violation at address 6D9EE692 in module 'd3d8.dll'. Read of address 00000000." I still get it recorded, but when I try to view the file, it says "Connection codec server..." and then "sending request..." and then "error, could not receive codec" or something. Then the video is all black, but i still get sound. Anyone else have this problem?

Also, when I try to set the autodemo record time in the config file for Soldat, it always gets reset to 0.

Deleted User
July 29, 2005, 7:33 pm
quote:Originally posted by SwarmerAlso, when I try to set the autodemo record time in the config file for Soldat, it always gets reset to 0.

Are you registered and using profiles?

July 30, 2005, 8:47 pm
Nope, I'm not registered.


So I'm guessing I'm missing a codec, although the Fraps website says its automatically installed. I've reinstalled it numerous times, but its always the same. Also, sometimes my entire computer freezes when I try to exit Fraps. Blah. I wanna make a saw video! I promise it won't suck. I have hilarious demos. Although it will take me a while to sort through all 250+ of them... I think someone should get paid to sort through someones demo folder, write a brief description of each one, convert it to a movie file, and trim off the excess. They could charge like 10 cents per demo. Hmm... I should do that.

July 31, 2005, 8:48 am
does anyone know where i can get an earlier version of fraps so i might not have this problem?

Deleted User
July 31, 2005, 11:48 am
Which version of Fraps are you using now?

August 1, 2005, 1:12 am
the newest one, 2.6.3

Deleted User
August 1, 2005, 1:52 am
I think most people use 1.9d, which I think can be downloaded here: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=149

If that download doesn't work, just search Google for 'Fraps 1.9d' and you'll get some handy results.

August 1, 2005, 5:18 am
ahhhhhggggg, it records like the 1 second i press it, so the file is like 2kb, and when i view it, it says "The specified module could not be found."

Deleted User
August 1, 2005, 12:36 pm
Hmm, I don't know then. Maybe it has issues with your graphics card, or something..:/

August 3, 2005, 4:09 am
blah, i guess i'll have to find another program. i really want to make a video...

August 3, 2005, 4:16 am
It definately sounds like a problem that is restricted only to you, you unfortunate soul. I've never even heard of a case in which Fraps records for only a second. I'd say it's caused by your hardware. Try it on another computer if you have one.

August 3, 2005, 5:15 am
:( , this is my only computer. and googling my problems doesnt help! that must be a first.

I think i will google up a similar program. thanks for your help guys. if i ever succeed, and my video is godly, i will use you guys as filler for the credits. but if its crappy, then frowny face

August 3, 2005, 9:18 am
I found another program, hyperCam.
It can do pretty much the same thing, but has a few other features, in case you guys are interested. The quality seems to a little lower, and I am experimenting with my computer settings so I can get the highest FPS. They have compression already done if you want it, also.
I think I'd prefer fraps, but this'll do.

Deleted User
August 3, 2005, 9:26 am
Swarmer, in future could you please edit your previous post instead of double posting? The edit button is at the top of your posts, looks like this: [IMAGE]

Thanks :)

August 3, 2005, 10:25 am
there was also some *idiot* advertising a program called "Camista" or some weird name.

August 4, 2005, 6:16 am
hypercam is getting annoying, so i tried fraps again. apparently it DOES work on other games. I tried it on Mechcommander Gold (an awesome game), and it works perfectly fine. but on soldat i get a weird DLL error (something about d3d8.dll, which is related to directX). so im guessing its just having problems with directX applications. the only reason im posting this is for any chance that the info helps if any of you have any ideas on the problem.

August 4, 2005, 7:39 pm
Well, firstly you should check if you have the latest DirectX installed. Secondly, you could look for those DLL files on the internet if worse come to worst.

Either way, I hope you can make it work. :) I'd be glad to comment on a video because I haven't in so long.

Edit: Oh, and about the autodemo record time thing, it apparently doesn't work too well, but I think Michal fixed it and it will be working properly in the next version.

August 4, 2005, 8:46 pm
ive replaced the dll files, and dX is the newest. i think i can figure this out eventually though. But is there a way to view demos easier? As in, fast foward, rewind, and truncate sections? that would help A LOT. Some of my demos are over 10 minutes long, when all i wanted was a 5 second segment, since my record time kept getting reset to 0. its really unfeasable to go through a few hundred demos that range from 30 seconds to 10 minutes long, and record the parts i like best. if i were able to view them at varying speeds and then erase chunks from the demo file itself, then that would save me many many hours of time. is it possible to do this? or does the nature of the demo file restrict this?

August 4, 2005, 11:43 pm
No, it's not possible to do this right now. =| In the upcoming version, it will be easier, though I'm not saying how, but there's nothing that can be done at this time :(

August 5, 2005, 7:59 am
will i be able to edit old demos? or is that classified info

Deleted User
August 5, 2005, 1:01 pm
Yes, Soldat 1.3 will add a feature that will help your problem...however, older demos are not compatible with new versions, so you won't be able to use the feature on your current demos. :(