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The clan without a gun.
Soldat Forums - Soldat Fans - Clan Recruitment
July 30, 2005, 7:28 am
I'm thinking of starting a clan where we will not use guns. This leaves: saw, knife, LAW, and of course, gernades. The existence will be determined by whether I get enough interested people. I am looking for good players who are willing to get rid of their pansy guns and embrace these 4 awesome weapons.

There will be a lot of training and practice, as will be needed, since entirely different tactics will be necessary. This will be a hardcore clan: there will be plenty of playing, participation in leagues, and high expectations.

I need very good players who are willing to sacrifice their guns. But trust me: once you serial kill daily with only a bloodstained chainsaw and a beltfull of nades, you'll realize how boring that Ruger really was. A good attitude is also imperative. Think of the fun: the humiliation we will deliver, the fun-filled camaraderie, and the inevitable simultaneous cries of "STUPID NADE LAG!"

If I get some members, I can make a nifty website with my decent amount of HTML knowledge, and we can come up with a clever clan name.

If you are interested in a tryout, make a post here and/or email me at ncSwarmer(at)gmail(dot)com.

The question is: are YOU ready to drop those Deagles and kick the habit?

July 30, 2005, 3:20 pm
Technicly, LAW would be a weapon and thus fit into the " pansy weapon " category. It sounds fun, I always loved knife wars and chainsaw wars......but a actual clan devoted to it..nah. It's fun every once and awhile. But not alot of the time.

Deleted User
July 30, 2005, 7:28 pm
i might wanna join just gotta practice a lil with my knife and then maybe leave me a spot just incase

July 30, 2005, 8:40 pm
The point is to become good enough to make the transition from your primary weapon into gernades and saw/knife/law. Once this happens, "normal" weapons will not be any more fun than the weapons we use, and there will be no problem with the degree of funness. And it's not like I'll kick you out if you use a gun every once in a while. Our FOCUS is no guns, but it's not zero-tolerance.

And I didnt say no weapons (a gernade is definetly a weapon), just no guns. But LAW still is technically a gun, but I think its ok for this. I could remove it if no one uses it, and basically make it a melee only group.

Deleted User
July 30, 2005, 8:58 pm
i thought u were going to join k-o pinky whats up witrh that

Deleted User
July 30, 2005, 9:01 pm
and i agree with kyklis LAw is a weopen and thus u would b using a pansy gun

July 30, 2005, 11:10 pm
Participation in leagues will not give any good results. You might be good, but people with guns will always be better than you.
I really love to own a server with a saw though.

July 31, 2005, 2:49 am
It's not necessarily about winning the league, but placing high and being respected. I know we can do pretty decently in it. And you never know till you try it.

Deleted User
August 2, 2005, 7:41 pm
I could be wrong here, but unless you are 1337 at knive thowing, isnt a melee-only clan suicide?

August 2, 2005, 11:41 pm
exactly. thats why we need to all be 1337 at knife and nade throwing. or saws. i doubt i could find anyone dedicated enough to join though...

The @venger
August 9, 2005, 5:26 pm
bah! knife is a pansy- weapon too; it can be thrown.