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Is there a certain size?
Soldat Forums - Soldat Interface Mods & Mod Making - General Discussions
August 1, 2005, 8:56 pm
Is there a certain size for explosion animations? If so, what is it?

I want to turn this: Into an explosion.


- Tek -
August 1, 2005, 10:09 pm
I believe there is a certain size limit. I once made the default explosions 4 times bigger with the stretch fusntion on paint, and when the animation played in the game, there was a green outline in. So it was a bit crappy like that.

But anyways, I believe that one will definitely fit, you jsut need to cut the frame out with the robot.

August 1, 2005, 10:31 pm
w0ah that looks bad ass!! you could always make it the same explosion just make it as small as needed to work and pass my way so i can cell-shade it! post it on forum or send me it threw msn if you have it already frame by frame.

Actually I dont think itd look as good cell-shaded just lookin at it theres too much detail id prob just leave it how it is.

Ill try to do what I can with it assuming you havent or anyone else. Might not be the best.

August 1, 2005, 11:04 pm
GAMEOVER: Relax, he only asks if there is a certain size for explosions. He didn't ask you cell shade or what so over, calm down.

and to Mancer, I don't think there is a limit to the size of the explosions, but don't quote me on that, just try it out and see, most likely it will work out fine. And here is another version of the explosion without that robot in your way.


August 1, 2005, 11:37 pm
Whatd you edit that with and you cut the frames down by more then half in adobe image ready was around 40 way he posted. I know he didnt ask I just think its bad ass and want to do it, or atleast try to do it. It can only be 16 frames rite?

August 1, 2005, 11:52 pm
Well I made it and am using it now but Mancer found it and he clearly says he wants to make it so he should since hes the founder of it and all. Unless you dont want to bro ill do it gladly.

- Tek -
August 2, 2005, 12:21 am
But the game only has a few frames of animation for teh defulat explosion, how will you instert the extra frames? It'll probably look crappy if you cut out a tone of frames.

August 2, 2005, 12:35 am
These 2 arent similar?


Its titled metal slug

August 2, 2005, 1:19 am
My fear is that the explosion would be too big.. it would screw up and make you think that the explosion "hit" when it really didnt..

August 2, 2005, 3:59 am
Ran into a problem, went threw all that trouble making it and I cant see it unless i hit the edge of a cliff its almost as if the explosion goes underground instead of on a level surface heres a screen, any suggestions?


Where you see the cursor directly below it is where the nade hit on the blue platform.

Here's another screen nade lands not too far from the middle


August 2, 2005, 4:24 am
Lol, I did that a few weeks ago. I spent a lot of time on a "really cool" explosion
too bad we cant pick where the images line up. I could finally fix that blasted weapon gfx left and right problem.

August 2, 2005, 5:01 am
Just resized em down some and now they appear to blow up normally (not the same problem as before) but theres a trace of green that follows the whole explosion (as Mike mentioned above) wth do i need to do resize em down more?


August 2, 2005, 1:23 pm
You used anti-aliasing in your resizing wich makes the green a slightly other colour and so making it not thransparant anymore. You should be able to set anti-aliasing off somewhere.

August 2, 2005, 6:49 pm
Thanks for comin threw yet again killer ill go give it a shot now. Whats the max pixel by pixel workable image for explosions you can have?