August 2, 2005, 8:51 pm
These have no specific weapon, or already have a double. (And some i'm just not sure about)
arrow conflicts with bow-a
Anyone know, where EXACTLY these graphics are used? I've decided to finish my Interface Editor, but these are the only ones i'm not sure about.
Thanks for any help, I have the others sussed.
Deleted User
August 2, 2005, 8:58 pm
40mm / Not sure, but I think it's with m79 or m2
arrow conflicts with bow-a / arrow is the arrow in the bow
bullet / Bullet of a weapon? Maybe m2?
fire2 / fire for mp5 and shotgun if I'm correct
fire / fire for... ak74?
gauge / gauge... gaugeshell? Shotgun bullet?
n-bow-2 / Bow, when you throw it
n-bow / Bow, when you throw it
n-colt1911-2 / USSOCOM, when you throw it
n-colt1911 / USSOCOM, when you throw it
n-deserteagle-2 / Desert eagle, when you throw it
n-deserteagle / Desert eagle, when you throw it
shell / for a weapon? (dunno which)
smudge / bullet smudge, when the bullet goes fast, it has a yellow smudge behind it
Deleted User
August 2, 2005, 9:09 pm
40mm - ?
arrow - the arrow after fired.
bullet - statgun bullet.
fire2 - MP5 muzzle flash.
fire - muzzle flash for everygun except MP5, Barret, Deagles, and Minigun.
gauge - ?
n-bow-2 - mirror of how the bow looks without you holding it.
n-bow - how the bow looks without you holding it.
n-colt1911-2 - mirror of how the USSOCOM looks without you holding it.
n-colt1911 - how the USSOCOM looks without you holding it.
n-deserteagle-2 - mirror of how the Deagles look without you holding it.
shell - statgun shell.
smudge - bullet trail.
n-deserteagle - how the Deagles look without you holding it.
EDIT: They beat me to it.
August 2, 2005, 9:23 pm
40mm =not used anymore (changed to m79-bullet)
arrow = the arrow as projectile
bow-a = arrow on the bow when its reloaded
Bullet = M2 stat gun bullet AND also the "trail" for grenades, spas12 gauges, LAW rocket and m79 grenade
fire2 / fire for mp5 (will be mp5-fire.bmp in 1.2.2)
fire / fire for all weapons except the ones wich have there own (in 1.2.2 all weapon will have there own muzzle flash)
shell = is the shell for the m2 stat gun
smudge = "trail" for bullet type weapons
Don't see what thsese files have to do with an interface editor?
[edit] Beat me to it
August 2, 2005, 9:30 pm
lol, glad to see how helpful our forum members are =D so touching
but anyway I am gonna delete my post, cause most of the stuff I said are obviously wrong..
August 2, 2005, 10:00 pm
Ah, nice. Thanks alot. :)
Heres what I have now:
40mm - NOT USED
arrow - Arrow as projectile
bow-a - Arrow in bow
bullet - M2 Stat bullet AND also, the "trail" for grenades
fire2 - fire for mp5 (will be mp5-fire.bmp in 1.2.2)
fire - fire for all weapons except ones with there own (1.2.2 all have there own)
gauge - NOT USED
n-bow-2 - Bow (left) thrown
n-bow - Bow (right) thrown
n-colt1911-2 - USSOCOM (left) thrown
n-colt1911 - USSOCOM (right) thrown
n-deserteagle-2 - Deagles (left) thrown
n-deserteagle - Deagles (right) thrown
shell - M2 Stat shell
smudge - Trail for bullet type weapons
quote:Don't see what thsese files have to do with an interface editor?
Well, I guess its a cross between a interface/weapons editor. But, yea. Interface.
August 3, 2005, 1:59 am
gauge is just another the shotgun pellets, but shotgun has its own gfx also (spas-bullet), so I think it is not used.
But hmm, I think you should try deleting the not used gfx and see if soldat gives you an error and asks for it.
I am pretty sure fire2, and fire aren't used too.
August 3, 2005, 10:31 am
Good idea. I tried it, and I never got an error for 40mm and gauge. Did for fire and fire2 though. :)
Deleted User
August 3, 2005, 3:06 pm
I think Ninja meant that in the next Soldat version, fire and fire2 won't be used.