Download and extract into Soldat directory. Make sure Realistic mode is off, then turn all weapons except for the minigun off. Works with Bots, too. Just ram into each other, until you blow up. Then, look at the kill log and see who gets the point. If someone could volunteer to make some maps, I could also make this a new race gametype. Download and you'll see what I mean.
EDIT: You must Run "Soldat.exe -mod Airplanes_In_Soldat". And Deathmatch works best.
EDIT 2: A demo:
Download and extract into Soldat directory. Make sure Realistic mode is off, then turn all weapons except for the minigun off. Works with Bots, too. Just ram into each other, until you blow up. Then, look at the kill log and see who gets the point. If someone could volunteer to make some maps, I could also make this a new race gametype. Download and you'll see what I mean.
EDIT: You must Run "Soldat.exe -mod Airplanes_In_Soldat". And Deathmatch works best.
EDIT 2: A demo: