When you are creating a topic advertising your server, please follow a basic guideline:
- Always include the name of the server (That should be a given!)
- Include the IP and Port, don't tell people to just look it up on the lobby.
- Include the server's location.
- Include the server's connection speed.
- Include the server's info! Stuff like..
...Game type
...Player limit
...Time limit
...Disabled Weapons
...And anything else that might prove useful to someone interested in playing on your server.
- Include the map rotation.
- Does your server have any weapons modifications?
Basically, Just include everything someone would want to know about your server before playing on it.
When replying to a topic: Keep your post clean and constructive.
- Always include the name of the server (That should be a given!)
- Include the IP and Port, don't tell people to just look it up on the lobby.
- Include the server's location.
- Include the server's connection speed.
- Include the server's info! Stuff like..
...Game type
...Player limit
...Time limit
...Disabled Weapons
...And anything else that might prove useful to someone interested in playing on your server.
- Include the map rotation.
- Does your server have any weapons modifications?
Basically, Just include everything someone would want to know about your server before playing on it.
When replying to a topic: Keep your post clean and constructive.