Deleted User
August 16, 2005, 5:03 pm
Lol. I have a mad idea about saw.
.:Shouldn't be cool if u could "flash back" bullets with "firing" chainsaw???:.
Captain Ben
August 16, 2005, 11:48 pm
Could you please explain that bit more... thoroughly?
Deleted User
August 17, 2005, 8:16 am
I mean If u run with chainsaw and holding left mouse button. *FIRING*
U could ricochet bullets from enemys.Or pull them beck.
Do u understand now?
I know, I'm back at English.
Leo Da Lunerfox
August 17, 2005, 8:36 am
I'll like it if its only for low velocity things, like knife, socom, and nades.
Deleted User
August 17, 2005, 10:25 am
lol like the light saber.
luke take the holy.....CHAINSAW?????
i like it
August 17, 2005, 1:16 pm
knife :D is better to do the ricochet bullets :D or a new secondary weapon katana ;)
August 17, 2005, 4:01 pm
what use would a katana be? It would have to be able to do something other then ricochet bullets.
Keron Cyst
August 17, 2005, 5:38 pm
If you want that then the Chainsaw reload rate (or "fire" rate) should be increased.
August 17, 2005, 10:56 pm
as long as it only ricochetededded (how do you spell that?) slow things, like, below 80fu/0.0167s (fire units per 1/60 second), i'm all for it. either this or the good ol' lunge action, the chainsaw needs something cool, as it's not used enough. the knife (almost wrote law as well, forgot about that startup time thingy) will leave the spotlight someday. i hope. maybe.
Deleted User
August 18, 2005, 12:21 am
like teh litesabra...
ok but then it would be hard for people to hit you, unless you can only richochet bullets if your facing the direction, but it would be awesome if you could richochet barretts bullets, like you would have this feeling someone is gonna shoot there barett at you, then you go like block teh bullet :O
Deleted User
August 18, 2005, 10:30 pm
Uh. It musn't ricochet them back on enemy. Just pull them away.
But If u want lighsabre from it. ; )
Deleted User
August 18, 2005, 11:07 pm
Definitely only slow bullets, not knives though, then the knife would be almost useless, they're easy enough to dodge anyway.
It would be funny running at a SOCOM user with all his shots bouncing of your saw.
Deleted User
August 18, 2005, 11:19 pm
I dare say, the chainsaw would actually be too good if it could do that, as much as I like the idea. Believe me, I have a chainsaw-only profile, and I'm pretty good with it.
I think this idea would be best as a new secondary weapon. Can't throw to kill like knife, no "automatic" like chainsaw, but blocks bullets... That'd work. You could press the button to attack, and then if you hold the button it does a bullet-blocking spinning move that doesn't deal damage. And of course, it'd only block normal bullets, and in the direction it faces.
Leo Da Lunerfox
August 19, 2005, 1:09 am
Plus, with the Chainsaw's hitbox, its not like it'll cover your whole body. You'll have to precisly aim where you want to block. So if you try to cover your head, your legs are exposed, if you try to cover your legs, your head is exposed. Of course, most of the Primaries can use that to their advantage and simply shoot the places where they're not blocking.
Captain Ben
August 19, 2005, 7:08 am
Yeah, it would boost up the usability.
Deleted User
August 19, 2005, 9:27 am
the knife can bve thrown for SUPER PWNAGE the chainsaw should have something too, i really like leos suggestions
Deleted User
August 19, 2005, 3:08 pm
quote:Originally posted by Taalthe knife can bve thrown for SUPER PWNAGE the chainsaw should have something too, i really like leos suggestions
*cough* Leos??? not mine ? ;)
Deleted User
August 20, 2005, 1:49 am
i was tired, i thought you meant that leo's was about the chainsaw. i reckon that the chain saw should be able to block bullets and used in the same way as in leos/dairys suggestion. making a new secondry would just be a shield, making the chainsaw block bullets would be making it equal to the mighty power of the knife. make it so the chainsaw can block knife. that would make knife vs chainsaw fights SO DAMN GOLD. imagine, knifer runs at chainsawer, throws knife, chainsawer tunrs on chainsaw just in time to block and runsat knifer, knifer jumps him grabs knife and runs at him, chainsawer turns on chainsaw to block the anticipated knife thorw, knifer jumps chainsawer and throw it at chainsawers back, AND RECORDED IT.MAJOR PWNAGE MATERIAL
Happy Camper
August 20, 2005, 6:08 am
quote:Originally posted by antiCamperknife :D is better to do the ricochet bullets :D
Yea, and make the knife an even more un-balanced secondary.
quote:Originally posted by Droid555 Definitely not knives though, then the knife would be almost useless, they're easy enough to dodge anyway.
It would be funny running at a SOCOM user with all his shots bouncing of your saw.
yea, again, don't care about the socom, bet your a knifer, and the knife would only be "almost useless" if you were going against a chainsawer for (Please refrain from swearing) sake, and how often does that happen?
Great idea.
Captain Ben
August 20, 2005, 7:21 am
I don't think its fair for it to block every songle bullet. WHy not every second one?
Deleted User
August 20, 2005, 10:09 am
the chainsaw would bloock all the bullets/ grenades that are goin slow enough. it would then take real skill to kill a chainsawer, and make the ultimate rivalry of chainsaws and knifes even closer
Happy Camper
August 20, 2005, 10:24 pm
Knifes right now own he hell out of Chainsaw.
who ever said "that would make it chanse" or what ever. What do you think auto bink on autos are?
Deleted User
August 20, 2005, 10:46 pm
I said it. You've got a point there, but bink can be estimated to a degree, but what if you are running towards a sniper with a chainsaw? Theres half a chance you'll get killed, and half a chance you won't. I think having the chainsaw only deflect small or slow moving projectiles is a much better idea...
No offense or anything :)
Deleted User
August 20, 2005, 10:54 pm
quote:Originally posted by Happy Camper
quote:Originally posted by Droid555 Definitely not knives though, then the knife would be almost useless, they're easy enough to dodge anyway.
It would be funny running at a SOCOM user with all his shots bouncing of your saw.
yea, again, don't care about the socom, bet your a knifer, and the knife would only be "almost useless" if you were going against a chainsawer for (Please refrain from swearing) sake, and how often does that happen?
Great idea.
Yeah, I am a knifer, and i meant against chainsaws. I come up against chainsawers surprisingly often actually.
Deleted User
August 21, 2005, 12:59 am
I still say chainsaw is far deadlier than most give it credit for. I use it exclusively quite a bit.
Happy Camper
August 21, 2005, 9:56 pm
quote:Originally posted by Officer_BulbockI think having the chainsaw only deflect small or slow moving projectiles is a much better idea...
exactly, even knifes can reach high speeds, so whats the problem.
quote:Originally posted by YoMammasMammaI still say chainsaw is far deadlier than most give it credit for. I use it exclusively quite a bit.
Lets see you take on someone one on one, see how you fair.
All the other weapons can be used against eachother, and they are all very balanced, but anything VS. a chainsaw wins, messed up balance.
and i'm not talking about in public servers, i know you can run around like a chicken with its headcut off blazing away with chainsaw and throwing nades, and get some kills, but you WILL NOT win in a Clan War, or a duel.
Keron Cyst
August 22, 2005, 3:06 am
The Chainsaw's a joke weapon, really; aside from camping it's not very useful in any situations other than narrow ctf_Equinox-like tunnels :-/
August 22, 2005, 4:29 am
it does have some use actually. although i prefer the knife by far, i've found the chainsaw's best purpose is to rush into the enemy base and run in a straight line while holding down the shoot button. if your lucky you can get a couple kills and take out some campers.
Happy Camper
August 24, 2005, 3:03 am
the big problem tho is using it in a Clan War,it has almost no use, except on Laos, witch is where i use it, to deal with Med(Please refrain from swearing)s, other then that, there is no practical use for it in clan wars.
And that is sad, a ALMOST usless weapon.
August 24, 2005, 6:11 am
maybe, but if all attk items ricoched you'd have people left right and center chasing you with chainsaws, some people are quick enough already, let alone have less bullets hit them.
Happy Camper
August 25, 2005, 7:59 am
there is still a reload time on the chiansaw...
plus the fire rate is not CONSTANT, so i'm sure some bullits would get thru
Deleted User
August 25, 2005, 9:09 am
yeah if the saw only blocks bullets while its on it wont block all, the chainsawers will still be sitting ducks but have a better chance of surviving