August 17, 2005, 11:15 am
How about a new game type that lets you have a large map, and you have to battle for bases, and once you have a base you can choose to respawn there? Like Battlefield 1942 but 2D? How about it?
August 17, 2005, 12:28 pm
More than a new gamemode, the possibility in TDM to hold a certain location to use as spawn point would be nice.
August 17, 2005, 4:07 pm
How about you gain points for every base you hold like in HTF, and as a bonus the more bases you hold the faster you respawn. however, this mode would only be cool with somewhere north of thirty players.
lots of players + big map = LAAAAAAAAAAAAAG!
August 17, 2005, 4:15 pm
Domination? Or maybe like in BF2, u spawn near your leader. And i like big maps, cos other things can go on at the other end and you cant focus on it, cos you have your own problems.
August 17, 2005, 5:03 pm
leader? no. 'hold the base' would be pretty fun in soldat though, but we dont need commanders and leaders and stupid (Please refrain from swearing) like that. this is soldat, everyone's equal.
Keron Cyst
August 17, 2005, 5:37 pm
Isn't that the same as KoTH but with modified respawn settings?
Deleted User
August 17, 2005, 7:17 pm
Conquer and KOTH would be neat gamemodes. I have my thumbs up. This would also fill the two missing places in the start game screen.
Deleted User
August 18, 2005, 12:18 am
King Of The Base XD instead of King Of The Hill, just sounds better because there probably wont be a hill
August 18, 2005, 12:45 am
quote:Originally posted by 117Domination? Or maybe like in BF2, u spawn near your leader. And i like big maps, cos other things can go on at the other end and you cant focus on it, cos you have your own problems.
What if your leader is a noob? XD. I really like the idea of taking over areas and gaining a spawn point though. Maybe make the spawn points selectable in this mode, such as in starwars:battlefront..except no little map..just spawn point area names..:D
Deleted User
August 18, 2005, 6:50 am
no there wouldnt be a leader, just bases and when you hgold a base you can spawn there. i reckon it would be okay with say 10 a side, but thats stil ratehr laggy
i am ahab
August 18, 2005, 9:56 am
yeah, if its more like 1942 that'd be coolness in shoes.
it does throw up the whole character class can of worms again. which im personally against.
but if there were some monsterous maps that had tactical advantages in atacking from one direction/route thatre only reachable from certain spawn points then it could be a fantasmic gamemode...
Deleted User
August 18, 2005, 10:07 am
well like any game mode there be crap maps and good maps
August 18, 2005, 11:36 am
this sound great!! i can imagine it:
---------------(red spawn)---------------(blue spawn)-----
both teams will have 2 bases(or more) at start and they will have to advance and capture the enemies base. and how to capture an enemy base: there will be flag or point in each base and when an enemy comes to that flag/point it starts a timer, and the enemy will have to wait 30 secs or more that the base will be his! other team can prevent this: just simply touch that flag/point like the enemy did. how about that?
August 19, 2005, 6:08 am
the lag would be a problem, but imagine rounding up 30 some players for a lan match with this mode, LAN Battlefield soldat would kick ass!
also for smaller maps like reactorcore's with only 4 or 5 bases you'd only need about 5 players per team, which wouldn't be so laggy