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Thank you, Soldat Beta Testing Team.
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - General Discussions
Deleted User
August 20, 2005, 2:20 pm
Right now, you all must be frustrated with noobs complaining about the weapons and their damage percentages compared to Soldat 1.2.1

Personally, there are almost no problems.

I am now going to tell noobies what's actually FIXED in Soldat 1.3 from Soldat 1.2.1

Deagles - No changes

HK - Originally THE BEST close range weapon ever, now dominates with few enemies such as the socom, ster aug, deagles, and ruger.

AK - Properly Balanced in Soldat 1.3 Without the balancing, the AK would have become a whoringly strong auto with 40 rounds for spraying.

STER AUG - Somewhat a little underpowered, but is not rendered useless, can win distance battles against most weapons and can win against HK on higher ground (VG Cats Joke: "It's over Anakin!!! This higher ground boosts +5 to my Agility!!!!).

Shotgun - More useful in new version, but no changes.

Ruger - (Please refrain from swearing)d up weapon. A little overpowered on headshots, but longer reload makes for less spraying.

M79 - Bullet Speed slow gives more control to the player and makes less for "M79 Spraying".

Barret - No changes, a little (Please refrain from swearing)d up, preferred less ammo carriage for "anti-camping".

Minimi - Almost dominative, but ammo reload somewhat fast for 50 ammo whorish weapon.

Minigun - Noobed up now. No one pro will ever use it seriously.

I want to be the first to thank the Soldat Beta Testing Team for their hard efforts to combat off whining noobs and for their hard efforts to balance out the weapons.

That is all.

Deleted User
August 20, 2005, 3:20 pm
We all know what changes were made, there was no need to make a thread about it.

Deleted User
August 20, 2005, 3:22 pm
You missed alot of changes, but um...all you had to say was thank you, dont think a seperate topic was even needed...

August 20, 2005, 3:52 pm
Yeah, the deagles were changed...and what loki said...

August 20, 2005, 4:37 pm
You're quite welcome.

August 20, 2005, 4:54 pm
you're welcome

Deleted User
August 20, 2005, 8:21 pm
Kazuki said that it was possible to shoot a law crawling off a ledge like in 1.1.3

Liar. in 1.1.3 it was possible to shoot law in Midair >=(

August 20, 2005, 9:29 pm
Not true. I said it was possible to do so in one of the beta versions, and I said it was like in version 1.1.5, not 1.1.3. :)

August 21, 2005, 1:56 am
...was the LAW even there in 1.1.3?

Deleted User
August 21, 2005, 2:43 pm
before 1.2.1 somewhere it was possible to shoot law mid-air (a bug)

August 21, 2005, 2:47 pm
it wasn't a bug
you could prone in mid air and shoot it.

August 21, 2005, 3:54 pm
before 1.1.4, socom was the only secondary.

i too would also like to thank the beta testers, last night i was playing in a server and 8 out of the 12 people had barretts.


Hercule Poirot
August 22, 2005, 9:52 am
quote:Originally posted by Jelly

Deagles - No changes

Ehem?? :Q

Desert eagles
1.2.1 -> Damage=210
1.3 -> Damage=176
= -34 damage (now it's totally raped :< i guess that is what you get for owning with deagles in beta testing cws lol)

and why ruger is only lowered -9 damage even they are pretty much equal to deagles... now all are ruger whoring in this version -.-'

August 22, 2005, 10:53 am
AK ftw ;>

August 22, 2005, 12:19 pm
:( The Minigun does next to no damage now... it used to take skill to pwn with it in Real Mode, but now it's poop.

Curse you, oh gods of beta testing! *shakes fist*

Deleted User
August 23, 2005, 1:29 am
Yeah the lack of balance slowly becomes apparent after you play more and more. It seemed pritty balanced when I first played the game but not as much anymore. The deagles which I started using in this version are an inferior weapon, if your a deagle user switch to the ruger which is still ridiculously powerfull. 2 hits any range body shots is a kill for the ruger, 3 hits close range is a kill for the deagles. Now if you factor in clip size the ruger has 2 kills in each clip and the deagles have 2 kills and some damage in a clip, the ruger shoots straight and far making those 2 kills easy money. The deagles shoot arched and you have to drastically compinsate for their lack of range when shooting far, chances are your going to miss alot more with deagles than the ruger.

Trust me deaglers, as much as it hurts, just put the desert eagles down and pick up the ruger. Apparently the desert eagle in soldat is a .9mm hand-gun.

August 23, 2005, 5:09 am
but deagles dont have bink, and they fire faster, and reload faster. they are much better suited to a close combat situation.

August 23, 2005, 6:17 am
Maybe a larger post count 'does' illustrate the voice of reason, eh ArialAssault.

As AA points out, DE's still fulfill the role they did last time. I myself as a rugerer on most occasions am finding myself being hammered by good DE users when they rush in all uninvited. I'm seeing 'alot' of good DE users out there, and for once they play respectfully. They don't spray and hope that two of their hits will land them a kill.

Incidently ruger's are also 3 shot kills if a single headshot is never made. DE's can, on rarer occasions, take 4 hits.

As for balance, I would pre-emptively say that MP5, although still fair from a long range, is a very good weapon. Perfect for anyone just starting in the game, as it's easy to get to grips with and deals significant pain up close. Otherwise, us experienced players have got to learn to hold them back from afar.

Having played the balance about a month more than the public and seeing it develop, i'd personally have to say, even if not perfect (it's always too early to tell) it's definitely 'the' most balanced Soldat I know for ALL weapons.