I just removed some idiot's signature. It was larger than my old monitor's highest resolution could support.
From now on, If I find your signature doesn't load/or is even 1 byte over the size limit, it's getting removed. If I have to remove it twice, your name is getting PM'd to Styx for whatever punishment he chooses to bestow upon you. Normally I cut some slack, but the retards among you are being fetuses and never bother to read the rules.
Forum Rules - Read them, learn them, live by them.
Or get the hell off my internet.
From now on, If I find your signature doesn't load/or is even 1 byte over the size limit, it's getting removed. If I have to remove it twice, your name is getting PM'd to Styx for whatever punishment he chooses to bestow upon you. Normally I cut some slack, but the retards among you are being fetuses and never bother to read the rules.
Forum Rules - Read them, learn them, live by them.
Or get the hell off my internet.