August 23, 2005, 10:20 pm
Is it possible that we could be allowed to use whatever colours we want for team gosteks, if only for MODs? I'm working on a infiltration MOD and I want to be able to choose the colours (To better fit in with the surroundings and to personalise gosteks, it's a stealth-realism mod).
Sorry if this has been suggested before.
August 24, 2005, 10:55 am
This has already been implemened into the game. If you go to the gostex folder in it its alpha team and charlie, if you go to the folder team two (which is found in the gostex folder) it is bravo and delta teams.
If you change those colours on the body parts to what you want, in your case dark blue and grey (never black, just incase you have a black background) then set the game to clan match. Start soldat and change your player colours to all white clothes (hair and stuff obivously what you want), then when you play you will have dark blue or grey.
I advise not changing the size of the men in the gostex folder as the collision box will still be the same.
PS: You will have to send that mod to everyone else, otherwise they will see people as pure white.
PS2: I am also making a stealth-realism mod, something that could help you a lot is going to www.selfkill.com (part german part english) and downlidng an existing mod called special forces, that helped me a lot as it has good sounds and skins.
Here to help
August 24, 2005, 11:09 am
but i think he's talking about an EASIER way to do it. Such as an option in the setup:
Team Alpha Colour: [-----] (The colour thingie where you click it and choose a colour)
Team Bravo Colour: [-----]
Team Charlie Colour: [-----]
That is a good idea. I've always wanted that.
August 24, 2005, 11:19 am
Ah, ok, sorry
What i do is create a bunch of bots with different colours e.g. grey, dark red...etc
I then assign them to the right teams, once someone has joined that team i reassign them or just let them continue playing.
Thats not a too easy way either.
Oh yeah, clan match will have to be set on
Bad points:
I dont think many people join games with bots in them (filter is turn on 'no bots').
If someone joins a team and you kick the bot, when the map changes (i think) the colours will be set to that players clothes.
Leaving a bot running about could be annoying.
Scores will be rising as the match goes on even though no one has joined.
But yeah, your idea is good, a nice and easy way to do that.
Sorry my mistake
August 24, 2005, 11:58 am
OMG, I completely support this idea. With the inclusion of seperate gosteks for teams, it seems unnessacary for the colors to still be set by deaault on game modes with two teams. I mean, I create 2 different gosteks for 2 different teams, but the colors are all messed up because of the red and the blue overlays. If those could be removed/made more subtle, then the gosteks would appear as they normally are, and yet would still be easily identifiable as memebers of which team.
August 24, 2005, 5:37 pm
Yeah, custom team colours would be nice. Maybe it would also be good to change the names of teams...
Deleted User
August 24, 2005, 6:58 pm
*Envisions the pink "OMGWTFBBQ" team versus the orange "ROFLTATOLOLLERSKATES" team*
--Not to detract from the quality of the suggestion, of course. It's not a bad idea.
August 25, 2005, 2:44 pm
OR... I just thought of another game for inspiration. (don't groan, it's not CS)
ON UT2003/4, in the "game" options, there is an option to turn on a "Team Glow". This basically means that your teammates glow the team colour when they're far away.
What I suggest is that, but without the "far away" part. It would mean pre coloured gosteks *cough*Field Marshal*cough* could be turned white, and be seen how they're meant to be seen, rather than looking odd.
This, combined with the "change team colour" idea, would be good. Yes?
EDIT: I'll include a mock up pic when i get home.