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Infiltrate Espionage
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - Mapping Ideas / Discussions
August 23, 2005, 10:30 pm
(First off, I have no idea if this has already been done or anything, this came to me in a different brainwave, but if it has, please note me).

One day in the lovely world of #gwsoldat, Noz was explaining ideas to Esh about the next GW Contender tournament. I suddenly had a brainwave:

<%(Please refrain from swearing)o> We need more realistic mode soldat.
<%(Please refrain from swearing)o> I say
<%(Please refrain from swearing)o> we make some infiltration ESPIONAGE MAPS and turn Realistic mode on.

So I began to develop this idea. The idea is that Realistic and Survival modes are turned on (perhaps friendly fire too). The red team must then try to sneak into the blue team, capture the flag, and then return to base with the flag. This is pretty basic Infiltration, but the catch is the maps they are played on. We are currently making maps designed especially for this game mode. MGS style, players will be able to sneak into base and return without being seen once due to realistic mode. Players must work as a team to locate enemies and find open pathways to sneak to the flag. Bravo must do their best to defend every entrance to base, and work together to stop attacking force. This allows ALOT of strategy. With survival, it adds that extra realism. Much like real life infiltration.

Now, we need you guys to make maps for us. They must have alot of pathways, routes, tunnels, whatever, so long as there are several ways to enter the base. Also things to hide behind, and Predator bonuses must be placed in the map. Any comments, suggestions or criticism is most welcome.

dr dragon
August 24, 2005, 2:13 pm
Hmmm... I love Tom CLancy Splinter Cell and espionnage games, I would love to see Soldat being an espionnage game.

One thing, when you were saying we, who exactly was we?

August 24, 2005, 2:43 pm
He is refering to the people who are behind the idea, working on it to make it come true.

August 24, 2005, 9:03 pm
So far, we have a few people mapping for us, but they don't have much time so I can't really expect their maps to be finished any time soon. Besides, it would be nice to have a wide variety of maps to play with.

Keron Cyst
August 24, 2005, 9:05 pm
You missed an important factor. Bravo will just sit right next to the flag and get stealthy Alpha no matter what.

Deleted User
August 24, 2005, 9:19 pm
Or, Bravo will just camp at the white flag and kill the Alpha when they try to cap.

August 24, 2005, 9:34 pm
Perhaps, I had thought of this. I had an idea that perhaps, you know, the Alpha team would have TACTICS, say, attacking from different sides? So two members could attack from the top while two from below sneak and grab the flag. The number of people in bravo will be less than those in Alpha. The position of the objective in the map is also an important factor, it should be in an area hard to camp in due to objects in the way and such. With bravo having less members than Alpha, it would be pretty stupid to move too far out of base.

Leo Da Lunerfox
August 25, 2005, 1:09 am
Then wouldn't it defeat the whole purpose of "Espionage"? Since the attackers have more people then the defenders...you might as well just rush.

Keron Cyst
August 25, 2005, 1:51 am
Face it, it may be possible in a 2D game but it's impossible in Soldat :-P

Deleted User
August 25, 2005, 3:56 pm
Sniffle i like it...but well if u are a Really serius player who likes it hard and maybe some more Action in it ..it can work =)

Instead of noobs standing infront of flag,camping and saying MUHAHA!..I OWEN YA ALL!!111


Well cuz the internet are filled with those u could...Make a club for it? for players who really want a hard action filled and fair game? ..u could like have a site to register on and from that u could have accses to that clubs servers! =D

August 25, 2005, 10:14 pm
I was planning on making an infiltration map like this with lot's of shadows and lighting. I didn't think how fun it could be with realistic mode.

Deleted User
August 26, 2005, 1:04 pm
Well i'm too lazy and u know...since adults created diffrent jails called 'School' i haven't too much time

August 26, 2005, 2:56 pm
i dont think so

soldat was desinged to be a fast paced quake like game play not prone in a tunnel with a knife crawling twords the flag now go back to survival realistic and advanced and stop trying ideas that can never work. if this is what you want make a game yourself

Keron Cyst
August 26, 2005, 4:55 pm
quote:Originally posted by a-4-year-oldi dont think so... stop trying ideas that can never work. if this is what you want make a game yourself
Ha. Your opinion would probably be almost reversed if you could grab an enemy soldat hostage.

August 26, 2005, 7:00 pm
Bah, don't judge this idea as a failure right away. It's basically just RS Infiltration with special tactical maps, nothing impossible. It sounds pretty fun, actually; Soldat is quite a tactical game with the right settings, IMO.

I might make a map or two if I feel like it. :P

Deleted User
August 28, 2005, 2:10 pm
Well good luck! ...It would be great fun testing some map like that...I'm not so much on map making any longer =/

September 1, 2005, 2:48 am
The only way for this to work is to be able to have diffrent weapons available for each team. Then there would be ways to even it out.

Deleted User
September 1, 2005, 7:04 am
Eh....Why diffrent wepons ??? =O

Keron Cyst
September 1, 2005, 6:55 pm
Or, at least no one-hit-kill weapons. Also no autos (maybe). That'd be interesting.

September 1, 2005, 9:44 pm
what you want 2 weapons face it the this is a retarded idea and should never be part of a game like soldat. soldat is not a tom clancey game! its a fast paced run n' gun shoot em up game not some (Please refrain from swearing) where you lay in a (Please refrain from swearing)ing hole

Deleted User
September 2, 2005, 6:57 am
...well if it is a fast paced run n' gun shoot em up game...'

Why did Michael add Realistic mode?

Deleted User
September 2, 2005, 7:08 am
Eh. Nice idea, I'll make a map for it if you really want. It could work I guess, you'd just have to make the flag hard to guard. Like have it on a "floating island" with painful polygons underneath.
Oh, and a-4-year-old, you are really living up to your name sake right now.

Deleted User
September 2, 2005, 12:59 pm
Lol ure right... Well good ure on the idea

But before u waste energy on it... nah dosen't sounds good =/

It would be cool with a map who isn't to inspired by 'Fantasy'

It would be cool if u made like that u are in a building or something

September 2, 2005, 5:17 pm
quote:Originally posted by sit-anger...well if it is a fast paced run n' gun shoot em up game...'

Why did Michael add Realistic mode?

to make you shut up

Norris Scott
September 7, 2005, 12:30 am
quote:Originally posted by sit-anger...well if it is a fast paced run n' gun shoot em up game...'

Why did Michael add Realistic mode?

Further more, why the Predator mode?

And why can Soldats hide behind sceneries? It's enabled because Soldat is a mix of running and gunning, and sitting and blasting

I'd like to think ol'MM would be dissapointed if his players weren't coming up with new and innovative ideas to expand with in his own creation.

Deleted User
September 7, 2005, 1:40 pm
quote:Originally posted by a-4-year-oldquote:Originally posted by sit-anger...well if it is a fast paced run n' gun shoot em up game...'

Why did Michael add Realistic mode?

to make you shut up

Though said by a minor lieutenant...and serious..are you for years old?

September 9, 2005, 9:48 pm
wow, i really like this idea. I want to be a part of it since i hate playing soldat as just running around and shooting, and thats why i love realistic mode :D
anyway, currently im making "ctf_2forts" map (with which sit-anger is asisting me) thread: [URL] and i wanted to make this map into a inf map also. The point of this map is that its hard to get in the fort but once ur in, u have all these shades and crates u can hide behind, so u can sneek in to the flag. However there are also many lights which still makes it a challange.
well what do u think is it worthy? :)