Since I've been asked this twice by PM function (not that I mind) I'll just go ahead and post a revised version of what I sent to the people who asked me.
quote:When I first started modding I thought I would never be able to make weapons, None the less the MS paint. But after a couple tries with different weapons, my weapons became better. [/confidence booster for you]
My point with that is, dont get discouraged, everyone can make weapons. They may look like garbage at first, but they'll improve (Not saying that yours look like garbage at all ) . My first did'nt even have shading, and were always out of proportion.
Now, the method to my madness, After I made you sit through that
Firs of all, I get a picture of the weapon I'm creating, usally via google images Then I get the colors I want it to be layed out. In this case I alredy have black shades, grey shades, and wood colors alredy made that I can just copy to the window I'm working in. But At first I started with nothing.
So first thing, get the picture of the gun you're working on, minimize the paint window so that you can see the gun you're working on, and work on the actual gun while looking at the pic. This helps trmendiously I've found. And if you cant quite get the colors you want, print screen the gun and soak up some of those colors. Thats okay too.
Now to the actual shading. I decide which way the light will be coming from, usally I make the light point at the barrel of the gun. Then I take darker shades of the color I'm making the gun, and put it towardes the oposite side that the light is coming from. I also place them wherever I feel light would not show (bumps cracks etc). Then I take a little lighter color than the one I just applied and do a second shading around somtimes (be carfull with this because if the gun is to small it gives it the apearance of being round). Once that is done then select a lighter color than all the ones you have, use this color spareingly, too much will make it look odd. And put it whever the light would create a reflection (in your own mind, this is'nt an exact science :p). And vioala! That should do the trick.
With respect, your fellow forumer,
Matthew Bluhm
Field Marshal BM
And if done right, it will come out looking somthing like this: