August 29, 2005, 5:37 am
there was a gun show this and last weekend in the area, which i, my brother my father and uncle went to, and my uncle won a sweet lever action that he didnt want so sold me for a killer $70 i had in my wallet. today we all went to the range and i put 110 round through it, and i must say, it's the 2nd most fun gun to shoot ive experience next to a mauser k98. i found it easy to aim, easy to load, operate and clean. the only downside is that the barrel heats up after only about 5 shots, so i have a nasty burn on my thumb from that and loading cartidges into a stiff chamber. If anyone has the money to buy one or has access to their parent's money, i highly suggest such a rifle, it's a fun thing to shoot.
drilled 'n' tapped
easy to figure out
easy to load
cowboy feel to it
cheap cheap ammunition plentiful
ironsights easy to use
weighted properly
doesnt destroy your shoulder
is LOUD, but not loud enough to make you deaf
lots more i cant think of
lil thingy you put them thar bullits in needs a few mo trips to loosen' prop-ur-lee
need bandade for thumb
barrel heats quickly, ill need to not use 200 grain
August 29, 2005, 5:40 am
The only guns i've fired are hunting rifles, like 12-guages, 20-guages, 4-10's, and .22 rifles.
And a pellet handgun.
August 29, 2005, 5:41 am
Lolz, i love paintball, i dont use the sights though, terrible inaccurate, rely on actual aim.
How bad is the recoil on shotguns?
August 29, 2005, 5:44 am
not enough to stop a 3 year old from usin one :P
rambo, you got money? you seem like a type who would, so seriously, get one of these as a starter. get you into guns ;D if i ever have kids, this thing goes to the 2nd
August 29, 2005, 5:53 am
Paintball guns actually hurt, but don't cause sever damage, unless of course you fire at 5 feet and the person has bare skin. A 3 year old uses a shotgun? Thats insane..
Green Barret
August 29, 2005, 6:13 am
Whats with the paintball talk... the subject is on real firearms.
Anyways, in Korea it's illegal to own a firearm and the ways of getting it are really limited. It's hard to be able to even touch a 0.22 pistol, and the only way most people get to fire one is by going ot the firing range... and it's really dam expensive. 5 bucks for firing 15 rounds through a 0.22 target pistol!
August 29, 2005, 6:46 am
I lust to shoot real weapons D:
August 29, 2005, 7:12 am
Firearms are for sissies. Real men use airsoft/ nerf guns.
August 29, 2005, 7:29 am
Real men orbitally bombard the place and leave.
August 29, 2005, 7:52 am
Really real men use scotch tape to tie grenades to their fists and then go punching people.
August 29, 2005, 8:29 am
Really real men wouldn't fight, they'd have a drinking competition.
Captain Ben
August 29, 2005, 9:16 am
Real men would have a drinking competition and then fight with their fists with grenades taped to them.
My friend for no apparent reason, has decided to give me some sort of kickass gun-thing. I'm not sure if it is a BB gun or what, but I'll try to find out.
Pictures, Peemonkey?
August 29, 2005, 3:33 pm
Real men wouldn't be posting this crap.
Anyways, i was meaning to try out this Russian .22 rifle my dad got when he was 20. Apparently it has very accurate aiming. STUPID RUSSIANS AND YOUR FIREARMS
August 29, 2005, 4:59 pm
no pictures, no camera :P if you want to know what it looks like google it, it's a hick-esque cowboy gun. i need a gun locker...
no guns in korea? thought that might be the case :P the #1 reason i live in america still is the freedoms we take for granite (harrrrr).