August 31, 2005, 2:08 am
How do you change one of the weapons completely? I was trying to change the steyr aug into a chicken gun that fires eggs. I changed the pictures and name in the weapons.gfx but when I start Soldat, it's still the steyr aug in the options menu and the in-game weapon select. Anyone know how to change those too? Thanks in advance.
August 31, 2005, 3:09 am
You shouldn't change the weapons-gfx name. Edit the steyraug.bmp and steyraug-2.bmp to change how the steyr aug looks in game, then save it and overwrite the same file (don't save it as another name). Then edit steyraug-bullet.bmp to change it to eggs, then do save it again.
You can also edit the text in ..\Soldat\Txt\weaponnames.txt to change it to say "Chicken Gun" or whatever you want.
Hope this helps.
August 31, 2005, 3:28 am
I think he needs to edit the interface...
Go to interface-gfx and then guns. tThen click on 4.bmp and edit that to a larger version of ur Chicken Gun
Keron Cyst
September 2, 2005, 6:37 pm
Never rename any of the image/sound files. If you want to change the name of a weapon go to Soldat\Txt\weaponnames.TXT, like Ninj@ said.