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INF - Enalp : My experimental map.
Soldat Forums - Soldat Maps & Map Making - New Maps
September 6, 2005, 9:46 pm
Yeah, i started the project trying to make an inf_plane. But it sucked.

So i started an experiment -> Look at the spawn points. The gameplay could be interesting, tho i havent tested it.



September 6, 2005, 10:44 pm
Seems unfair for the red team.. they get the advantage

Norris Scott
September 7, 2005, 12:18 am
Definitely a red-team advantage map. If they manage to get the black flag, they just have to cross back over to their base, hop the left-side wall with the flag, and make the cap. Blues wouldn't stand a chance against red defense clogging the passages

Deleted User
September 7, 2005, 12:40 am
Unless there is no jets, then it'd be very hard for them to jump that wall, especially if its a death-poly type.

September 7, 2005, 1:22 am
It is. Thanks Lapis. And yes, it has low jets.

September 7, 2005, 7:45 am
ya if blue just camp out in that intersection with the stat, then they can hold em off. they wouldnt even need to go all the way to the black flag since they could get/camp at the stat faster.

Barret at the hill on blue spawn anyone?

Deleted User
September 7, 2005, 8:24 am
This is a map that would require teamwork, and a focused rush assault for each flag cap.

Deleted User
September 7, 2005, 10:33 am
it's to small and the texture color's dull.

Deleted User
September 7, 2005, 11:41 am
Maybe it is meant to be small?

Deleted User
September 7, 2005, 7:07 pm
yea.. but i only play big maps. nothing more to discuss.

September 7, 2005, 10:22 pm
Man, it doesn't suck. Actually the map looks good!

September 8, 2005, 3:21 am
I have a feeling most people critisize without downloading it.
Its really nice and Id like to play it on a server.

September 8, 2005, 9:33 pm
^ I look foward to see it in action in a 3 on 3 INF server.

On the other hand, if anyone noticed, the things to the left of the blue spawn point are polygons "only player collides".

September 8, 2005, 10:01 pm
i like it alot ^^

September 9, 2005, 9:21 pm
man, the whole map idea is sweet. but id fix up some of the shading, also is the bottom stat gun just for looks? cuz i cant find any practical way of using it. Also if it was up to me, id make it a bit bigger (or make a small and a big version of it.. i dont know).
Otherwise i just love the map.