Keron Cyst
September 8, 2005, 6:50 pm
Whenever I edit the game text (e.g. "Pointmatch," "Rambomatch Started!" etc.) even if I use the same amount of characters to replace what I want to change it totally screws up all the text and puts different text in inappropriate places. What am I doing wrong?...
September 9, 2005, 8:38 am
I know, happened to me. I tried to edit it so my flamethrower says flamebug.wpn decoded, it screws up... i know ivan did it he replaced bulletproof vest with titanium armour... how?
September 9, 2005, 11:41 am
With some ppl the .txt format screwes up for soldat when saving with some text editors.
EDIT should work i think : Start --> run --> "cmd" --> "edit"
(note : you have to edit a working txt file cause it can't unfix the format)