I just noticed something strange. There was an IP ban for 60 minutes. However the IP got unbanned immediately after a few seconds. I have noticed this a few other times happening. From the logs:
*I have removed the name and ip's
[code](08:43:19) player joining game (xx.xxx.xxx.51:1117)
(08:43:20) player has joined bravo team.
(08:43:27) Thinggaard scores for Alpha Team
(08:43:40) player captured the Red Flag
(08:43:49) Thinggaard captured the Blue Flag
(08:43:58) player returned the Blue Flag
(08:44:05) player scores for Bravo Team
(08:44:08) Bad Boy captured the Red Flag
(08:44:27) Bad Boy scores for Bravo Team
(08:44:32) player has been kicked and banned for 60 minutes
(08:44:46) IP number xx.xxx.xxx.51 unbanned[/code]
*I have removed the name and ip's
[code](08:43:19) player joining game (xx.xxx.xxx.51:1117)
(08:43:20) player has joined bravo team.
(08:43:27) Thinggaard scores for Alpha Team
(08:43:40) player captured the Red Flag
(08:43:49) Thinggaard captured the Blue Flag
(08:43:58) player returned the Blue Flag
(08:44:05) player scores for Bravo Team
(08:44:08) Bad Boy captured the Red Flag
(08:44:27) Bad Boy scores for Bravo Team
(08:44:32) player has been kicked and banned for 60 minutes
(08:44:46) IP number xx.xxx.xxx.51 unbanned[/code]