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Does anyone agree?
Soldat Forums - Soldat Talk - General Discussions
September 16, 2005, 5:19 am
Here's my issue:

You know how you can throw a grenade & accidentally kill yourself? That's understandable, right? I mean, you walk into a grenade that you threw, and BLAM! There goes your leg. And quite possibly the rest of your body too. But why is it that when you shoot an m79 right at your feet, it just gives you a boost. I wish that there could be a correction where either the grenades you threw DIDNT kill you, or the rocket you shoot yourself in the foot with DID. Is anyone else out there frustrated by this, or is it just me?

silly Suasag3
September 16, 2005, 5:31 am
actuly u need to be in the air to fire m79 and not die same with nades! :P theres nothing wrong with soldat.

September 16, 2005, 5:33 am
So what you're saying, is that (now mind you, I don't use the m79...) when those players do shoot the ground in front of them, it hurts them?

Deleted User
September 16, 2005, 5:57 am
Yes, it does hurt them, just depends on how high they are off the ground though. You can do the same thing with grenades to give yourself a boost aswell.

Teh Panda
September 16, 2005, 6:05 am
Actually, M79 shot, doesnt have shrapnels, rite?

Deleted User
September 16, 2005, 11:58 am
yah so it should't throw the person into the air, it should put tons of shrapnel in there feet :)

September 16, 2005, 12:38 pm
Lots of the time it does hurt, it depends on the proximity to the ground. But also, if it caused damage when the player was higher from the ground, it would cause more damage to other players when the M79 didn't even hit them, and that wouldn't be good. With exception of the fairly frequent dub M79 shot, the gun is pretty solid.

September 16, 2005, 3:48 pm
Ha ha... yeah, maybe shrapnel wouldnt be a good idea, then. It would rip entire teams to pieces... (in one shot that is) And then I would get even more P.O.'ed @ m79ers.

And thanks S4R for the info.

September 16, 2005, 5:39 pm
quote:Originally posted by Teh PandaActually, M79 shot, doesnt have shrapnels, rite?

If you mean in real life...the force of an M79 shot directly into the ground below you, if it didn't fail to detonate at such close range, would blast huge amounts of rock and hunks of dirt in all directions, probably with enough force to maul you in a particularly nasty way. I know this because my great-uncle was an M79 man in Vietnam.

And as to the problem, if you're saying that it isn't realistic, then you have to take into consideration that there isn't much else in the game that's realistic. If, however, you're just pointing out the contrast between two explosive weapons, keep in mind that you can do the little explosion-jump-boost thingy with grenades that you toss on the ground if you time your jump right.

Deleted User
September 16, 2005, 7:12 pm
You can get a boost from a grenade also, as long as you're off the ground. If you just walk on it you'll die or be injured.

September 16, 2005, 8:17 pm
quote:Originally posted by Meep.You can get a boost from a grenade also, as long as you're off the ground. If you just walk on it you'll die or be injured.

yeah the only reason m79 jumping is so popular is that it is 100x easier to time it right. I've successfully done it with both and i've been dealt the appropriate amount of damage

Deleted User
September 16, 2005, 8:33 pm
Nade and m79 jumping both are easy, nades you just have to hover over the nade and m79 you just jump and fire.

About the damage it inflicts, you WILL infact kill yourself if you just shoot at the ground with an m79 if you're an inch off or standing ontop of the ground. The damage will usually take 25-50% of your life, sometimes even more. M79 jumping while injured usually results in death, or putting you to a point you'll die instantly to any sort of bullet (or 2-3 bullets :P)

September 16, 2005, 8:42 pm
Nawww man.

I believe there fine as to boost you need to jump up in the air but with nades you need to walk over them so you need to use commen sence and jump over the nades that you threw.

September 16, 2005, 10:32 pm
I never really use the M79 boost, so I wouldn't know.

September 16, 2005, 10:50 pm
ok m79 does hurt you if you are not high enough. If you just stand there and soot the m79 to the ground...YOu WILL DIE! Just like nade!

September 16, 2005, 10:54 pm
if you hti yojurself directly with the m79, you'll normally die, the same when you step on a nade. Shooting straight forward with an m79 mustn necessarilly kill you, when you dont hit its "nade" directly. Its just a matter of the distance between player and m79/frag nade

September 17, 2005, 12:28 am
You drunk, diablo?

Captain Ben
September 17, 2005, 4:54 am
Flashbacks! Just another flaming spraytard!
I wouldn't go as far to say that m79 jumping takes 25-50% of your health if you get the timing right, but that's a (Please refrain from swearing) to even try.

September 17, 2005, 5:32 am
Nothings wrong with the m79 just too many idiots use it, the hand nades need to be fixed badly so sick of my nades never killing head on yet i get killed instantly :/

September 17, 2005, 7:18 am
quote:Originally posted by Captain BenFlashbacks! Just another flaming spraytard!

I hope you dont mean me. I just wasnt aware that the m79 jumpers actually got hurt by their own blasts.

quote:Originally posted by GAMEOVER Nothings wrong with the m79 just too many idiots use it, the hand nades need to be fixed badly so sick of my nades never killing head on yet i get killed instantly :/

Ya, the nades do need to be fixed. One of the reasons I started this thread was because I was so frustrated about my grenades backfiring, and I THOUGHT that the m79ers weren't getting hurt by their own blasts. I even tried to post in the Game Improvemens/Suggestions area, but alas, it got nixed due to the fact that - well, I didn't have a clue what I was talking about. :o\

Deleted User
September 17, 2005, 4:27 pm
ALL m79ers take damage from their own jumps. It varies on their timing~

And Yeah...nades really need to be fixed...getting sick of dying to my own nades more then other people do. -_-;

September 17, 2005, 5:27 pm
Hello there, Scooter. I agree that nades need to be fixed. I see plenty of hit-in-the-head-and-not-dead situations. And of course, lots of nade spamming. There's also the ever-popular invisible grenade and that polygon bug that sends your grenades flying when they hit the ground at a certain spot.

In other words, yes, nades do need a lot of fixing, but I'm not sure what MM can do about it.