Deleted User
September 18, 2005, 8:21 pm
ok so this is how it goes, it could be a game mode or just implemented for every team game mode. there would be spawn generators all over for each team that are used for spawn points, or you could switch weapons at these spawn generators, and youe team depends on them to spawn. these generators have health and can be damaged, and the option for the generators to self heal slowly could be turned on or off. the spawn generators would have numbers on them so you can choose which generator you would like to spawn at instead at looking at a map. for the game mode the objective for it would be to destroy the enemy generators. when all the enemies generators are destroyed, you win. you get 30 points for detroying a generator. the generators can also heal friendlies. this game mode would involve lots of teamwork, and a possible varient to this game mode be like inf, where one team has no generator and can spawn all the time, and the other one has to defend theres
September 18, 2005, 10:12 pm
because of the way soldat is made, i think it would either be impossible or very hard to implement such a thing. Plus it wouldnt really fit the Soldat gameplay, that sounds more like UT.
September 18, 2005, 10:27 pm
sorry but I don't like it.. I just don't think it would be fun.
September 19, 2005, 12:06 am
Yeah, this does sound like Onslaught from UT2k4. A simplified version of this might be fun, but only on very large maps with LOTS of players. The "link" system is good (in which you can't capture an enemy "generator" or whatever until you've captured the adjacent one), but the idea of destroying the generators isn't... areas should be captured "king of the hill" style, where you simply have to stand in the right place to capture it. Players spawn at the farthest generator under their control. Once you open a link to the enemy base, you capture it to win.
The idea about switching weapons at friendly generators -- no. That's not Soldat. The idea of healing at friendly generators, well, maybe if it was implemented through the familiar "healing polygon" method, or through good old health crates, but otherwise no.
This is an okay idea. I think it would work, even with Soldat's limitations. However, I don't think it would really be accepted by the community.
September 19, 2005, 9:44 pm
isn't that a rip-off of battlefront? it's actually intresting but i would never even try to put it into soldat. wrong game for a good idea,
Deleted User
September 19, 2005, 10:02 pm
well i wasn't thinking about battlefront.....i was thinking more about those generators that power the ammo stations in tribes
September 22, 2005, 6:32 pm
U'd need lots and I meen LOTS of players ,a GIANT map and people who'd agree on guarding a generator... the idea needs work!
Deleted User
September 22, 2005, 9:49 pm
no you dont, possibly all you would need for a two team games is 6 players 3vs3 1 guards the other attacks, it would work the same as ctf