Deleted User
September 25, 2005, 8:15 pm
Ah well, have your ever been really, really! pissed off when the enemy team camps your base and consumes all your goddamn medkits ?
There could be a server option to set either normal medkits or team medkits, which means there would be blue and red medical boxes which only blue / red players could use.
Yeah.. this sounds stupid, but maybe someone will like it :p
Keron Cyst
September 26, 2005, 3:26 pm
I purposely sit there to rob the other team and deliver my own team more MediKits (usually only because my team is completely lacking of them). If you see someone doing that just 'nade him and stop firing your weak auto.
If you still insist, not team MediKits. Make it so you can only pick up one MediKit every 5 seconds.
September 26, 2005, 4:18 pm
Actually I'm pretty happy when the enemy robs all of our medikits. This way they can't heal when trying to capture the flag anymore, so they're more often an easy kill. No problem with that :)
September 26, 2005, 7:23 pm
I think that this is a good idea. Atleast for inf beacause the red team almost never use the medkits and ends up having a big pile of medkits that no one uses. And then the blue team is without medkits which they need as they are defending.
September 27, 2005, 12:07 am
If you let an enemy get that close for more than a couple seconds you dont deserve the medkits anyway.
Deleted User
September 27, 2005, 12:25 am
No! The normal medikits must stay! Everyone would enable this if it was available, and then the pure joy of spawncamping on Kampf while stealing all of the other team's medikits would be stolen from me.
September 27, 2005, 4:09 am
The medkit-stealing thing was only added several versions ago, right?
MisterX is right about medkits. However, it can be extremely hard to retake your own base when the enemy steals all your grenades...
September 27, 2005, 8:00 pm
Medikit stealing was added in 1.2.1, and it adds a new tactical dimension to the game: you have to think before you start shooting at the enemy in your base.
If this would be implemented, camping would be simply encouraged. It'd be better if Soldat maps had some regeneration polygons in the bases.
September 27, 2005, 9:13 pm
Mr. X is totally right. medikits serve your team better if they're at the enemy's base.
Captain Ben
September 28, 2005, 7:07 am
Well, they at least should be throwable.
Keron Cyst
September 29, 2005, 12:29 am
Throwable MediKits? Isn't any possible variant of that only in LAN games?...
Captain Ben
September 29, 2005, 7:04 am
No, when you have no weapon, grab a medikit and carry it on your back. When you feel the need, throw that badboy!
Deleted User
September 29, 2005, 8:53 am
Would they do damage if they hit another player?
Keron Cyst
September 29, 2005, 3:30 pm
They heal, of course. But you called it a "badboy"...
Deleted User
September 29, 2005, 8:08 pm
What Keron said. Killing someone with a medikit would just make my day.