1337 Haxor
September 26, 2005, 1:50 am
I created a few bots using the soldat bot creator editor and when i put them on a team and into play they atack eachother and will not stop... i dont know why they killing eachother when they are on the same team. can some one help me??
September 26, 2005, 2:04 am
I doubt that's possible. Are you sure you are playing teammatch? If so, make sure they are on differents teams (careful with teams Delta and Charly cause they look more or less the same).
1337 Haxor
September 26, 2005, 4:56 am
Nvm I figured out what the problem was. i gave them bows to use and i guess the bots thought it was a ramba match and atacked eachother.
Deleted User
October 2, 2005, 12:34 am
that happen to me to, ive created a bot with the weapon as the bow and the others bots will attack him thinking its a rambo match
to this:
enter a team match
-put many bots in the red team and the rambo bot on it to
-turn on f.f
-see them kill each other, its cool to watch :)
or make zombie bots of the rambo bot and start a dm