October 4, 2005, 1:44 pm
These are a few suggestions for Team Modes...
-In weapons menu will be a Med Kit (x2-3?) so you will be able to heal others or yourselves
-Be able to share some jetfuel or ammo (like in tight spots where your teammate is runnin with the flag)
-Be able to throw a grenade to a teammate so he can throw it farther..
-Be able to pick a captain to form formations
-Being able to throw the flag at your flag and scoring instead of yourself having to touch the flag too...(when your about to die with 8 people chasin you and your at your base)
-Health bars on top of your teammates head instead of % (small)
October 4, 2005, 3:15 pm
-This has been suggested before. Can anyone say "wweapon editor?"
-Don't like the jet sharing thing. Ammo would be pointless cos you never run out.
-Cool idea, but would be hard to use in-game because of the skill you'd need to get the nade to a teammate.
-I like that idea.
-I like this idea also, but the percentage is easy enough to figure out if you have half a brain.
Keron Cyst
October 4, 2005, 3:43 pm
quote:Originally posted by 0xSilentx0... In weapons menu will be a Med Kit (x2-3?) so you will be able to heal others or yourselves...
You can already make that through WMs. Put Chainsaw to ReloadTime=-1, Damage=-10000, Speed=-500, and Ammo=1.
quote:... share some jetfuel or ammo (like in tight spots where your teammate is runnin with the flag)...
That's interesting. I'd like this, if it's possible (just the jet fuel part).
quote:... throw a grenade to a teammate so he can throw it farther...
Eh, it's a good idea but it's too complicated.
quote:... pick a captain to form formations...
Just join a server and work with non-n00bs :-P
quote:... throw the flag at your flag and scoring instead of yourself having to touch the flag too...(when your about to die with 8 people chasin you and your at your base)
Nah, that'd make the game too easy.
quote:... Health bars on top of your teammates head instead of % (small)
I sure like this but it might get a little tedious for some so I'd suggest making it a checkbox in Options.
October 4, 2005, 5:10 pm
-Medkit has already been suggested as T-Money said.
-Sharing fuel? First, I don't like this in principle since how the hell are you transferring fuel? Second, how would it work, would the flag carrier instantly receive everybody else's jet fuel?
-Grenade relaying... huh? Nobody would use that, one person could move forward and throw the grenade in the same time it would take for two throws.
-This has also been suggested recently, but I've never seen a team, even a clan, organized enough to actually run and fly in formation.
-Flags can be captured even if they're not held... this idea's okay, I wouldn't mind seeing that, though currently flags fly around somewhat laggily, which could be a problem.
-Health bars... this is by far the best idea of the bunch. It would be a great option... I'd love to be able to see teammates' health at a glance rather than have to read a percentage.
October 4, 2005, 11:22 pm
-I don't need to talk about this.
-Nah, that'd make the game too easy.
-What if you miss and accidently 'nade your teammate?
-This is something you can do already.
-Well, this would be kinda cheap. And by kinda, I mean a lot.
-By far, this is the best idea. Health bars over your teammate's heads would be great, perhaps also health percentages with your teammate's names on the sides of the screen, also checkable in options?
October 4, 2005, 11:49 pm
quote:...perhaps also health percentages with your teammate's names on the sides of the screen, also checkable in options?Okay, I REALLY like this idea. A list that could OPTIONALLY be enabled that would show teammates' names, health, time until respawn if dead, and whether they're holding the flag or not. To avoid clutter, it could replace the kills list when enabled.
On a slightly different topic... the current "team radar" where you teammates' names appear around the border of the screen is an improvement but it's not very elegant. Having all that text moving around is kind of distracting... how about if there were just small icons or indicators, rather than the full names? Or at least smaller text.
Deleted User
October 5, 2005, 10:51 pm
So far, the only ideas that I see to be good are the healthbars. Another option for this is when the person is off the screen and their name is on the edge, maybe have a percentage under their name or a life bar, it might just help more then knowing if they have the flag, or if they're alive or dead.
Deleted User
October 6, 2005, 12:14 am
very good idea, there names should also be flashing, like IM IN DANGER
Deleted User
October 6, 2005, 12:38 am
quote:Originally posted by dascoovery good idea, there names should also be flashing, like IM IN DANGER
Or just make a hotkey for *flaggers only* where if they need assistance, they can hit like some sort of hotkey that can flash their name on the screen and also show in team chat like "Player A is signaling for back up!" - Freindly Flag carriers only considering in public games, newbies will spam it up like if they're camping and someone attacks them. Players without the flag dont really need it unless they have it.
So lets see...
- Health bars over soldat names and off screen names
- Hotkey or something to flash the freindly flaggers name off screen indicating they need back up with a possibility of a message to the team saying like "Freindly Flagger signaling for back up!"
Sounds cool.
October 6, 2005, 12:54 pm
To be able to SHARE grenades would be nice... :D
And how about that instead of a health bar, how about that their name changes colour according to
injury? Green="all ok" Yellow="just a scratch" orange="i think im in PAIN!!" Red="i think thats my spleen lying there"
Deleted User
October 6, 2005, 9:00 pm
Then how do you know which has the flag?
Deleted User
October 6, 2005, 9:32 pm
quote:Originally posted by JWCK_x144Then how do you know which has the flag?
Exactly lol. A small bar would do the trick.