Keron Cyst
October 6, 2005, 3:47 pm
Like I said, I want an Unrealistic Mode. Many features along with this could be put in.
Push 'R' twice and your ReloadTime envelops both your two weapons (if the secondary was in reload-state) so it takes longer to reload but you reload both at once when it's done. Push Q (or wh'ever your switch-weapon key is) and both weapons restart back to the original time to reload.
... shut up! I'm lazy. I don't feel like having to press Q when one weapon's done reloading and wait for the second, and then go back to the first. :-P
Deleted User
October 7, 2005, 12:51 am
I'll take the sudden silence as a "............No."
Well, if its going to be like that, then you might as well have a 2nd bullet guage under the primary bullet guage, infact that would be handy without double reload...
October 7, 2005, 5:20 am
Two bullet gauges would be okay, but... a question:
Does this mean you can't fire until BOTH weapons are done reloading? Like, say you had some Desert Eagles and a Barret, and you wanted to reload both... so you'd have to wait for a whole Barret reload, plus a whole Desert Eagle reload, before you could fire either weapon? You'd be completely defenseless for about 12 seconds.
Captain Ben
October 7, 2005, 2:55 pm
Well Keron, we can tell you put alot of thought into this.
October 9, 2005, 4:49 pm
Wasn't Unrealistic mode suggested before? If so this should be in the Improvement Disscussion forum.
October 9, 2005, 4:56 pm
unrealistic mode! yay! but that is basicly an over-powered weapons mod :/
keron, are you drunk? i think you may be posting-under-the-influence thatll get you a pui and a pig in your bed when you wake up sometime tomorrow O_O
October 9, 2005, 5:26 pm
So, you're too lazy to hit reload, change weapon, reload, but not too lazy to hit reload, reload and then wait for both weapons to reload?
Speaking of Unrealistic Mode, how 'bout a mode where /piss does damage?
Deleted User
October 9, 2005, 5:33 pm
Unrealistic would have unlimited jets :O
And when you die you would vaporize into a stream of ions.
That would look cool.