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October 6, 2005, 5:13 pm
Sorry for posting this again but, I can't join any games. I open Soldat Dedicated Server then go to the join game screen. Then I select Request Servers and a list pops up. But I can't join any of them. A window pops up saying "Dedicated Server Option Enabled. Can't join." WTF?

October 6, 2005, 5:23 pm
Soldat Dedicated server is for hosting, and not joining. Soldat starts with Soldat.exe. :)

October 6, 2005, 6:03 pm
Forget it I already figured it out. Thanks anyways.
But I have a couple of questions:
1.Do people mod?
2.If they mod is it really bad?
3.Is the lag bad?

October 6, 2005, 6:09 pm
Well, if you think about modding as in Quake 3 or some advanced shooter game, then no.

Soldat's mods are basically restricted to Graphical modding (which is client side, meaning that only you will see the difference) and Weapon mods. ( (WM) in the server list. If only those kind of servers show up, tick the "Weapon mods" filter off under the Filter options. )

As for the lag, if you sort servers by ping, you can play on non-laggy servers.

i am ahab
October 6, 2005, 6:11 pm
----edit---- sorry dem your reply wasnt on the screen when i typed mine. i'll leave it though....


there is an entire section of the forum devoted to modding the game! go and have a look, a lot more detail is placed there than i can give. although some aspects are unmodifiable and will render the game inoperable across the net.

as for lag, well that depends which server you play in ;) you should expect a ping of <100-150ish for a good game IMO

Deleted User
October 6, 2005, 9:29 pm
Despite ping, you will still experience a series of new laggy bugs that came with 1.3. Its unavoidable, but it wont be THAT bad a problem, just an annoyance every now and then.

Other then that, you should be set. Use the filter option to limit your search to a server you can hop right into some intense gameplay. ;p